Wow, the debate was pathetic. McCain's half, anyway.
Boring as fuck, too, it's hard for me to want to insist other people just a few years younger than me need to pay attention and vote - then sit through the most boring spinning wheels event ever.
Sarah Palin Disney Movie is good times. MATT DAMOOOOON is now a political humorist, I guess.
Everything is going well, though between work and school I don't get to see Elizabeth that much during the week. If we didn't live together things would be pretty rough, I'm glad I only have to miss her during the day and not each night.
We're going to go see Hellboy 2 at the cheap-o theater, I hope it's fun. I liked the first one with no expectations, which already gives the squeal too much anticipation in comparison. I'm not into asshole martial arts introduced into something for no reason, so I hope the commercials were misleading.
Since today was the first very fall-like day of the year we went to a cider mill, which was packed with asshole kids harassing ducks and other birds. But the cider and doughnuts were amazing, and there's just something about about fall leaves that make Elizabeth's eyes sparkle even more than usual. We also watched both Jumanji and Zathura which were both on television. Weird, but pretty amazing. Now I want a game like those.
I'm braindead. It was nice to relax today, and I'm with my love. All is well.