Elvis is dead, and I don't feel so good myself.

May 08, 2007 09:11

In a matter of five days, I've lost ten pounds.  The jeans I wore a few days ago no longer fit - creepy.  C'mon now, virus, I really don't have much more weight to lose.  Could you just give up already?  Being bed-ridden and queasy is not how I'd particularly like to spend my days, as one might imagine.

However, just as laying in a bed for a few days has been not so good of an experience, I've gotten a chance to clear my mind and really think about some important issues concerning myself.  Had I not gotten sick, I might not have been able to digest everything that has been stuffed into my mind over the past few weeks.  It certainly is strange how things work out for the best with a bit of faith.  Over the past days, I have read some books and gotten some much-needed relaxation.  I've made plans for my life that I will stick to, no matter what.  Maybe being holed up for a few days was the best thing that could have happened to me.

If I think of  anything else slightly moving, I'll make sure to throw it up here (haha, a joke)!  But for the moment, I'm going to retire to my world of fruit punch gatorade,  chicken noodle soup, and sleep.

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