Mar 05, 2005 00:19
K, so we won the grant, then I start really planning for the booth because Menards is having a sale on lumber (2x8x14 for like $8, Holy Shit Dude.) Then Cole-boy tells me that it can't be done because the union carpenters would bitch about it being done by someone other than them. But ya know what I say, fuck those whiney bitches. If they wanna come in and do it for free, like I'd be doing(mother fuckers) they can be my guest. BBBBAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! But the greatest thing ever happened tonight; my step mom, when we were talking about the TV spot, thought Coleman was a retarded student. His being deaf causing his voice to be weird made her think that he was actually retarded. Poor deaf Coleman. But ya know what, poor me! Fuck I wanted to build that booth. Phil and I were supposed to leave that theatre legends. I wanted to have something to leave to the incoming classes. And I really wanted to have a more professional feeling and setup, that I helped to construct, to teach the class of '09 techies in. GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BUREAUCRACY!!!