As you may have heard, ESPN sideline reporter Erin Andrews was recently involved in a media nightmare when a peeping tom
taped her naked through her hotel door peephole and broadcasted it to the world. I was just now watching CNN when they showed her picture and the headline "Erin Andrews: Was She Asking For It?", followed by them talking about how she was just too damn flirty and attractive for her own good so of COURSE it must be her fault someone stalked her, invaded her privacy, and publicly humiliated her. Attractive women are ALWAYS to blame, folks. In fact, I'm absolutely sure she must have stripped naked in her hotel lobby and BEGGED some poor bystander to follow her upstairs and spy on her. Pretty ladies are just so damn tricky like that!
(Also, hi! I know I've been gone for awhile, I honestly just haven't felt much like blogging. But rest assured, as soon as I get back to school (and procrastinating) we'll be back on a regular blogging schedule. Okay? Okay.)