This totally disgusting, mystery... thing.

Oct 09, 2010 16:21

Okay...  On the morning of Tuesday, October 5th, I discovered two vile, disgusting objects on the grass in my neighborhood.  My initial thought was that they were animal in origin.  I thought they looked like some sort of organ or even eyeballs (LOL... I know, I know).  I posted pics in my journal and my friends suggested it was from some sort of plant.  But... the composition of the objects' "flesh" was like no plant I had ever seen before, even in my Google searches.  These objects were round, about the size of ping-pong balls (not unlike a human eyeball), white, with flesh similar to that of the white part of a soft-boiled egg, had a "stem" at one end (not unlike the optic nerve of an eyeball) and a bulge at the other end (not unlike the cornea of an eyeball!), and were encased in thick, clear coats of slime.

Underneath the thin layer of soft, white flesh, there was a grey substance, which also appeared to be soft -- a bit like the yolk of a hard-boiled egg.  And then underneath that, was a structure of white, crooked cells.

These things have no discernible odor -- in fact, I walked my dogs near them several times and they never noticed them at all -- and no insects appear to be interested in them.

It's been determined by my friends and I that it is likely some type of fungus, but I have been unable to find anything even remotely like it.

So... now I share with you my disgusting pics of who the hell knows what...

The first two pictures were taken right after a downpour of rain, but they still looked pretty much the same, just less slimy.

Object #1  Had some sort of "skin" attached to it.  Also a few pieces that looked a bit like they could possibly be eggshell.

Object #2 - found about 1/4 mile away from the first.  It had been smashed and the area around the "stem" part looked  bloody (wet and red).  I was able to see the grey stuff underneath the white parts and the slime.  I never noticed this while at the site, but in this pic, it looks like there are also some eggshell-like bits around the object.

Object # 1 again, 3 days later.  The white parts are now discolored and the object is drying up.  It appears to have been stepped on or otherwise messed with as the white part has broken away.  The grey part has also been partially scraped away, exposing the white "crooked cells" structure underneath.

I have searched and searched on the internet and cannot find any clues to what these are.  My friends are baffled, too.  Can anyone solve this mystery for me???  It's been driving me crazy all week!  (I'm in Southern California if that helps any.)

This is my first time posting here, so I hope this falls within community rules.  Well, it's obviously something from nature and it most definitely is WTF, so it belongs here, yes?

fungus, slime, mushroom

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