Eumycetoma/Madura Foot

Jul 27, 2010 10:32

So there are a bunch of fungi that cause this particular kind of infection, clumped together as one condition known as eumycetoma. Because it usually shows up in the feet, for example after stepping on a contaminated object and getting a wound with spores in (WEAR SHOES, PEOPLE), it's commonly known as madura foot. No infection is particularly fun to get, but this one is, imo, grosser than most.

How many of you have read the infamous The Holes h-manga by Henmaru Machino? If you have, that's what this infection reminds me of. (If you haven't, don't go looking for it. I know you all have trainwreck syndrome, but seriously, just take note of a warning for once and don't.)

What happens, you see, is that the fungi slowly eat away at the tissue underneath, forming holes or rather sinuses (generic word for a space or cavity in the body) in the flesh. The sinuses also leak gunk of various colours, depending on which variety of infection you get, so you get delicious crusting on the skin, too.

This will give you a good albeit very jargony description, this is a good demonstration of what it does to you. It's a specimen of a bisected foot, so you can see all the delightful cavities. This is what it looks like from the outside. IMAGES POTENTIALLY NSFW. Enjoy!

fungus, infection, fungi, disease

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