Giant Woodlouse

Apr 02, 2010 13:42

Monster of the deep: Shocked oil workers catch TWO-AND-A-HALF-FOOT 'woodlouse'

This deep sea creepy-crawly gave oil workers a fright, after the unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

The 2.5ft beast normally lives 8,500ft under water and this specimen is thought to be the largest giant isopod found at this depth.
Unexpected visitor: This 2.5ft giant isopod was found clinging to a submarine being used by oil contractors

From head to toe, I'm two and a half feet long (30 inches). This giant isopod was found clinging to a submarine being used by oil contractors
Enlarge 2.5ft Giant Isopod

What you lookin' at? The bathynomus giganteus, seen head on

Called the Bathynomus Giganteus, it is a super-sized cousin of the humble woodlouse.

Its legs are arranged in seven pairs, and its front two are able to manipulate and bring food to its four sets of jaws. It is a scavenger that feeds on dead whales, fish and squid.

The species is abundant in the cold, deep waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and is a good example of deep-sea gigantism.

Many deep-sea crustaceans and invertebrates tend to be larger than their shallow-water counterparts.

It is not yet known whether this is due to the colder temperature, higher pressure or scarcer food resources.
Enlarge Aerial view of oil gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico
Garden louse

The unexpected visitor hitched a ride on a submarine sent from a rig in the Gulf of Mexico. The creature is a cousin of the humble woodlouse (above) who measures a mere

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sea, invertebrate, isopod, sea life

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