Sex Me

Oct 13, 2004 00:02

OK, so its... Tuesday right? i had to look on the calendar for that one. OK so i woke up at like 6 this morning had class came home. was looking online and all of the sudden BAM or BANG (whatever ur sexual mood is), i forgot i had a call in, so i call work and talk to jessica who used to be a bitch, but all of the sudden since i opened for her sunday, shes all cool and nice to me now, so she was like "ya it would be great if u could come in" then i was like "shit im gonna be a little late" then she was like "no problem, just get here when u can". WTF shes so nice now it just doesnt make since. So usually i pick up mad from school and i needed to take our cat to the vet, but i couldnt do any of those things cuz i had to work from 12-6. So i am pretty much all ready for work except i needed to change alittle and fix my hairizzle to make it look sexed. Did that, and was looking pretty smokin, (like a 69 VW Bug but I didnt have black smoke coming out of my poo hole) So i get to work and the first thing she makes me do is clean, i dont care though, im sick of folding. But during the whole time that i was cleaning, all the other brand reps that had been there longer were all talking, blah blah blah, it pissed me off, but thats what i get for being a new-bee. They also had a group interview, and its funny to watch, its like fresh bait. And most of them were ugly, and its A&F so they probably wont get hired. But who knows. Went to court yesterday, that was fine, my misdemeanor was lowered to a fine, (thank god) but i still have to make $50 payments for a total of $350. Fucking greedy government. I also had to register for the SSS, which is basicly like the military, which enables me to be drafted. i dont give a shit though, i know i wont be. You know there motto is so fucking rediculous, its "Act today. Its Quick. Its easy. And its the Law", give me a fucking break and a slice of pizza. How rediculous. So ya, i got madeleine a skirt at work today, it was hot, but she didnt like it, and it looked weird with her homecoming shoes, so im returning it and getting something else. So ya, tonight i went to mads after work and hung out for a while. Her damn neighbor kids came over and harassed me. Stupid children, go to hell. Then i left her house and got Taco Bell (which i havnt had forever) and now i am here. Im getting excited for homecoming, i hope its fun, alot of people are saying they arent going cuz it will be stupid which makes it worse. "Hmm lets see here, nobodies going which will make it suck, so how about I dont go! OK, that will make it better!" SHUT THE HELL UP. That sounds like a thought that dumb Bush and Dick would say. I dunno im in a good mood for no reason. OK I LOVE U! stay tuned...
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