Oct 24, 2005 18:29
I stoled this from Lid.....enjoy!
1.Time Started 6:29pm
2.How much cash do you have on you? $2
3.What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? best
4.Favorite plant? Firns.....the only name I know...lol
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? Work....yuck
6.What is your main ringtone on your phone? American Idiot....Green Day
7.What shirt are you wearing? My WSU hoodie
8.Do you "label" yourself? No
9.Name brand of your shoes currently wearing? K-Swiss
10.Bright or Dark Room? Medium
11.What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? She's one of my bestest friends
12.Ever "spilled the beans"? And who hasn't??
13.What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
14.What did your last text message you recieved on your cell phone say? Don't remember
15.Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners? On accidently every now and then
16.What's a saying that you say a lot? Hell....as in hell no or hell yea
17.Who told you they loved you last? A friend
18.Last furry thing you touched? My dogg
19.How many hours a week do you work? 24
20.How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? None....I have a digital camera
21.Favorite age you have been so far? 19....Canada
22.Your worst enemy? My father
23.What is your current desk top picture? Blue swirls
24.What was the last thing you said to someone? Audios
25.If you had to choose between a milion bucks or to be able to go back in time to fix all of your mistakes, which would you pick? The million bucks... I haven't made any terrible mistakes
26.How tall are you? 5feet 2inches
27.Do you own a gun? Hell no
28.Rehab? Nopperz
29.Have you ever killed an animal? Nope
30.Are you Irish? I think like 1/4
31.What's your favorite Christmas song? To many to pick just one
32.What is your favorite smell? Amber Romance by Victoria's Secret
33.What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee
34.Have you ever done ecstasy? Never
35.Have you been shot? No
36.Have you ever been hospitalized? Not really....I has a couple outpatient surgeries.....and a ride to the ER in an ambulance but left a few hours later
37.Do you like painkillers? No....just advil
38.Whats your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? I don't think I have one and if I did I couldn't tell you cuz then it wouldn't be a sercret
39.Do you own a knife? A couple of them actually...in my silverwear drawer
40.Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? Not really but I love the tattoo
41.Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink: Water, Diet Pepsi, and Diet Mt. Dew
42.What's In Your CD Player? Green Day
43.What's Under Your Bed? Probably dust bunnies
44.What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 9:45am
45.Current Worry? School
47.Current Hate? Homework
48.Favorite Place To Be? My bedroom
49.Least Favorite Place? School
50.If You Could Play An Instrument What Would It Be? The piano
51.One person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with? My father
52.Where Would You Like To Go? Hawaii or Europe
53.Where Do you want to live? Michigan
54.Color of most clothes you own? Black and this orangey/pinkish color....and lots of others
55.Number of pillows you sleep with? 2
56.What do you wear when you go to sleep? PJs
57.What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Hopefully be a pediatric nurse, married with a kid, and be in school to get my NP
58.First piercing/tattoo? Ears
64. What color are your bedroom walls? lavender
65.Last thing that made you laugh? My lil dog running around the house
66.Best bed sheets you had as a child? Barbie
67.Any pets now? 2 dogs
68.Have u ever won any awards? A few
69.What color underwear are you wearing? Blue
70. What do you like doing when you're depressed? Listen to music loudly while driving somewhere cursing at everything
Time Ended: 6:45pm....I stopped during this