my car's all bettah!

Oct 18, 2004 15:20

today i took my car in to get it's oil changed, they said most everything was in excellent condition. the guy said that a fuel injection flush is reccomended, and explained to me an advantage of gaining about 3mpg. it was technical in how he explained it to me, so i wouldn't be able to say it back to you at all. (it's odd really: i look inside a computer and i know what does what; i look inside a car and i'm completely lost, i bet i wouldn't be able to identify critical parts! ok, i *may* be able to identify the engine and battery, but that's about it... i'm totally stupid with cars) so i asked him if this fuel injection flush thing is a safety issue at all, and he said no, so i asked if it was really just an efficiency issue. he said yes. so i didn't do it. for $70 it wasn't quite worth it for me to do it just for efficiency, but if it was for safety i might've done it.
so i also took my car to napa to get a tail-light fixed, cuz i had the tail-light warning on for a few weeks now. i thought it needed a new bulb, but the guy came and verified the problem. it wasn't a broken bulb! (so i didn't have to buy a new one, though i was willing to if i had to, it was only $3 or so) he just found that the ground wire was simply loose, so he screwed it back in for free and it fixed the problem! yay! oh, and i also filled my gas tank.

so tomorrow i've been commisioned by my grandma to go tutor her on how to use her 5 year old computer that hasn't been used and still has win98 on it (it's got some shitty processor in it, made by a now defunct company, i think it was cyrix), and now they want to be able to type and print off it, and get on the internet. so i plan to bring a few of those AOL cd's and get them on AOL for free for a while. i'll give them 4 aol cd's, each one has 2 codes each, and each code gives 1045 free hours, that should be more than enough for them. what i don't know though is if aol keeps track of the code with the phone line used, meaning if they can just putting in these codes over and over and never get charged, since these free trial things don't require credit card.

that's all for now

Until next time.. farewell..
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