Oct 09, 2006 22:12
Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
[1] I don't give myself enough credit. I always feel down in the dumps about the worst things and should look towards the brightside more often.
[2] I really want to get into this band thing, and so does Travis. I just dont know about Alex really. Andrew is putting really high standards on us.
[3] I really have to stop lying to EVERYBODY.
[4] I'm really scared about my grades, they are all on the line here.
[5] I'm thinking of an idea to establish a grafitti workshop, where people can rent space to tag up and take pictures, then at the end of the day we paint the whole thing over for the next day.
[6] I'm being so shy right now, the girls I'm not interested in; I'm theyre best friend. The girls I AM interested in, I'll make contact, but it wont help; I dance around the girl subject. I'm hopeless.
I taggg Chris, Crystal, Austin, Nik, Wes and Jess