May 25, 2004 15:20
So, I'm a bit grouchy today.
Yesterday, I was giving blood in the morning-- 60mL for research in my lab-- and almost passed out. That was no good. I was told that my blood pressure is too low and that I probably shouldn't give blood any more. Also it just generally sucks to almost pass out. No more track marks on me (from giving blood). So that was bad.
Today, I was finally about to start on my experiment. This experiment is one that I've been wanting to do for about 3 months. I had the calculations done; I knew where the proteins that I need were; but I didn't have the blood donor or the phlebotomist. Ken volunteered his veins, and we finally found the phlebotomist who isn't all that good. She's gone searching in my arm before, and she did four tries in Ken's arm and never got anything.
I got to throw out the morning's prep work because some of it must be stored at -20°C, some at below 0°C, and some at 2-8°C. Since it was mixed, I couldn't be sure that storing it for a week at any of those temperatures would be acceptable so it was junked.