Jan 06, 2005 23:07
Alrighty it's new years resolution time. Mine is to totally lose weight and get in shape. No more of this saying it and not doing it. I did it before and I can do it again. This time I am going to do it the right way, and a healthier way.
I had a good day. I went to March's Hill with Jamie, Jaz, and the little bro. Sledding was cool, but china town kills me everytime. We also made a snow man. No doubt it will get destroyed sometime soon. It was hilarious when all the little boys attacked jaz with snow balls. She was like "I don't even know you!"
After that we went to Starbucks and I got my peppermint mocha latte. mmm. then we got our 25 cent hot dogs.
I saw court the other day. we went to friendly's with kel. That was fun. I don't think court can handle kel and I. We almost made her puke a couple times. well mostly kelly grossed her out.
Yesterday I had an emergency cheer up friend night. Because boys suck. enough said. why i still like them is a mystery to me.
k. bet your tired of reading this crap. I'm outta here. <3