дети, живущие в бедности в сша

Dec 05, 2010 00:20

CHILDREN IN POVERTY: TRENDS, CONSEQUENCES, AND POLICY OPTIONS, by Kristin Anderson Moore, Ph.D., Zakia Redd, M.P.P.,  Mary Burkhauser, M.A., Kassim Mbwana, M.P.P, and Ashleigh Collins, M.A.

Доля таких детей в США выше, чем в других развитых странах (исключая только Великобританию). Их:
"4.6 percent in Finland;
•  5.8 percent in Austria;
•  7.2 percent in Belgium;  4
•  9 percent in Canada;
•  9.1 percent in Germany;
•  10.4 percent in the Netherlands;
•  12.4 percent in the United States; and
•  17.5 percent in the United Kingdom".
доля, детей, живущих в бедности, продолжает возрастать.
"For children younger than 18, the poverty rate increased from 17.4 percent in 2006 to 18 percent in 2007, the highest rate since 1998.  This 18 percent translates into 13.3 million children living in poverty in the United States in 2007,  an increase of 497,000 children between 2006 and 2007"
В том числе 8% детей в 2007 году жило в условиях экстремальной бедности, то есть ниже 50% от уровня последней.

Распределение детей, живущих в бедности, в зависимости от полноты/неполноты семьи, и принадлежности к разным этнорасовым общинам

Динамика % детей, живущих в бедности, с 1959 по 2007

Бедность оказывает сильное и разностороннее угнетающее воздействие на детей, в первую очередь на когнитивное развитие и школьные успехи. В одном исследовании, правда, было показано, что эффект бедности частично обратим - то есть текущая бедность на академические достижения влияет сильней, чем бедность в прошлом, если удалось из неё выйти, что оставляет надежду на социальную реабилитацию. Но чисто потенциальную: в реальных США бедность гарантированно оставляет подростка за пределами высшей школы, а в школе средней с её "педагогикой угнетения", в общем, не учат и даже особо не ставят себе этой цели.
И в эмоциональном/поведенческом плане эти дети оказываются покалеченными:
"Poverty is also related to children’s social and emotional develop-
ment.  Children in poverty have a greater risk of displaying behavior and emotional problems, such as disobedience, impulsiveness, and difficulty getting along with peers...   Children in poverty display fewer positive behaviors (such as compliance) than their non-impoverished peers...  Family poverty is also associated with a higher risk for teen childbearing, less positive peer relations, and lower self-esteem compared with children who have never experienced poverty....
  One study found that long-term poverty is associated with children’s inner feelings of anxiety, unhappiness, and dependence, while current poverty is associated with acting out, disobedience and aggression....

Why might poverty influence children’s social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes?  One explanation is that poor children are more likely to be raised by single parents and (perhaps related to this) to live in households where there is less parental supervision and more parental distress.  Research finds that poor  5
children are more likely to experience frequent moves and changes in family structure than more affluent children....  In turn, children with such turbulent lives are more likely to have negative social and emotional outcomes than children whose lives are relatively stable.... Another explanation for the influence of poverty on children’s social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes is that children in low-income families and neighborhoods may be less likely than children who grow up in more economically comfortable circumstances to be exposed to positive social norms in their lives and neighborhoods....  For example, homicide rates are highest in areas of extreme poverty, and children exposed to such violence are at greater risk of psychosocial difficulties, such as internalizing behaviors (such as depression) and acting out behaviors (such as disobedience)....
   Researchers also suggest that increased “acting out” among children in poverty might reflect parents’ lower levels of emotional responsiveness to their children, more frequent use of physical punishment, and lower quality home environment....
Overall, poor children may be less likely to have the kinds of buffers in their lives that can protect them from negative influences. This may be because poverty appears to inhibit families’ ability to achieve social control and, consequently, increases the likelihood of adolescent delinquency.
  These difficulties during  childhood can translate into difficulties during adulthood".

И то, было что рассказано выше - жуткий позор самой богатой/могущественной стране мира. И,между прочим, массовые нарушения прав человека: гг. из госдепартамента незачем выискивать их на Кубе, или в СССР, достаточно не закрывать глаза на происходящее дома

угнетение, социальная психология, капитализм, современный мир

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