Le Louvre, Palais Royal, Les Halles
-started the day by waking up at 3am -_-
-sat in bed, read a book, took a shower, kept Joy up and twiddled my thumbs till 6am
-went outside to walk around & enjoy the Parisian atmosphere so Joy could sleep
-what would a day in Paris be without stopping by a Patisserie for breakfast?
-ate some baguettes, croissants, and sipped coffee. dang I'm so French :p
-went to a supermarket to buy some food for future meals. How is it that 6 giant baguettes cost me $1.50, but 4 slices of ham cost $7??
-stopped by the outdoor markets
-headed off to the Louvre without Joy. We agreed to meet up at 1pm infront of the Mona Lisa since someone's a lazy bum :p
-walked around Les Halles a bit
-accidentally found the Palais Royal & this cool lookin' fountain
-got lost and somehow ended up at the Opera Garnier....again... (that's 3 times so far for those counting...)
-found this funny statue thing but couldnt take a picture with it cause no one was around to help me :(
-went back later with Joy & Elyse to get pictures :D (hmm these remind me of King Kong... o_0)
[Louvre video] -finally found it!!! [cue angelic music] Joy couldn't figure out where the Louvre was when she was inside the actual Louvre *face. palm.*
[video of the inside] get ready! here come the pictuuuuures
-Cour Marly & Cour Puget (indoor sculpture gardens)
-Aphrodite (aka Venus de Milo)
1. Sphinx 2. Model of the first royal "Castle of the Louvre"
-Tomb of Philippe Pot (some important guy?)
-The Winged Victory of Samothrace
-some artistic shots
-Psyche and Cupid
-on our way to Napoleon's apartments!
-we took video on Joy's camera MTV Cribs style, but they got erased by some idiot at the photo center :( so all that's left is this boring
[video] Napoleon's Crib (friggin PIMP):
1. hallway 2. living room 3. dining room 4. Josephine's make-up table
-where the magic happens ;)
-videotaping & photography weren't allowed in the Denon Wing (home of the Mona Lisa & some of the more famous paintings), but you know me...I always find a way ;)
for the Leonardo Da Vinci/Da Vinci Code fans:
[illegal Mona Lisa video]
[illegal Virgin on the Rocks video] shh keep it hush hush ;x
-a cute little vase
-Joy left early since she felt sick :(
-view of Pair-ee
-the pyramid all lit up
-stopped by a Patisserie on my way home to pick up Napoleons, Triple Layer Raspberry cakes, and Eclairs to make Joy feel better :]
this is what happens when rich French boys arent around to pay for dinner :p