We're counting down the days to departure - all jabs jabbed, malaria tablets taken, we're now just visiting relatives and picking up a few final useful bits and pieces, making laminated cards with basic English verbs on them, etc. Finished the training last week with a final session on groupwork (a bit of argument or 'storming' in a maturing group is normal and useful, apparently). We've just visited my parents and are off now to see Alison's dad and (extremely cute) little step-sisters. Everyone I know seems to know someone who's having a baby, it's quite astounding - I was even accused of getting broody by proxy the other day. And the ones who aren't having babies are having kittens (it's amazing what they can do nowadays).
I was sent a link the other day I found highly amusing, if you're into euphemisms click here...
http://walkingdead.net/perl/euphemism If you need me, I'll be freeing the enchilada...