(no subject)

Apr 16, 2005 10:30

this is long. here is a cut

About you...
what is your full name?: Andrew Steven Bossick

spell your first name backwards: Werdna

date of birth: January 11, 1989
male or female: Male

astrological sign: Capricorn

nicknames: boo

hair color: brown
eye color: brown

where were you born: Anderson, South Caroline

where do you reside now: Bay City
age: 16
screen names: Wrying Destiny

what does your screen name stand for: I dont know

number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: like 8 lol

Piercings: 0
Tattoos: none
Shoe size: 9-10
Right or lefty: right
Wearing: pajama pants and sadies shirt

Hearing: television
Feeling: dizzy
Eating/drinking: Big K diet cola lol
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff..
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
How many people have you said that to(and meant it): i think there are two different kinds of love, one to friends and one to the people you are "in" love with

How many people have you kissed?: 0

Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: well nathan when we were little

How many people have you dated?: 6 or so

What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: appearance:-\ personality and hair

What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: caring understanding loving, the ones that are secretive but at the same time open

Do you believe in love at first sight?:no

Do you remember your first love?: yes

Who is the first person you kissed?: i havnt (hoping to change that)

Do you believe in fate?: yes

Do you believe in soulmates?: im not sure
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: im not sure
Color: red

Food: whatever is in the fridge
Song: listen to your heart

TV Show: i dont have one really

Subject: sadly math science and history

Band/singer/artist: dashboard duh
Radio station: 102.5
Pair of shoes: my sandals

Actor: the dad from american pie
Actress:  oh gees this is hard
Drink: pop!
Holiday: Christmas
Perfume/cologne: whatever is the crap i have
Pizza topping: peperoni
Jello flavor: i dont really eat jello

Card Game:  eqyptian rat screw/rum-e(sp)

Video game: mario
Website: LiveJournal/addiciting games
Computer game: Solitare
Number: 3
Cereal: waffle crisp
Comedian:  all those blue collar guys are hilarious

Teacher: mrs. rabie

Salad dressing: ranch

Thing to do on the weekend: friends

Season: fall

Sport to watch:  whatever

Person to talk to online:  who is ever online
What Is Your Opinion Of The Following?..
Virgins: good

God:dont get him but cool
Reality TV: not real

Emo music: is the best

Valentine's Day:  kinda makes me lonely
Homosexuals: heh
Abortion: AGAINST!
Inter-racial relationships: if that is what you like:-)
Death: i dont want to die
Pre-marital sex: not cool, unless you have abs right abby
Pornography: dirty

Politics: confusing but fun
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Common Names?..
Jack: be nimble

Tiffany: that girl from mens warehouse

Ben:  jamin

Maria:  a mexican

Nicole: Holms
Adam:  my half brother
Tom: cruise
Charlotte: 's Web
Harold:  dost

Vanessa: marissa?

Jake: Voisine
Sarah: machelle geller
Natalie: patalie
Nick: beyer
Taylor: kayleens bro

Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: yes
Been on a diet: yes
Been to a foreign country: no
Broken a bone: no
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: no

Sworn at a teacher: no

Got in a fight: yes
Dated a teacher: no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: definitly not
Thought about killing your enemy:  no

Gone skinny dipping: no

Told a little white lie:  yes.

Told a secret you swore not to tell:  yeah?
Stolen anything: yes

Been on TV: yes
Been on the radio: no
Been in a mosh pit: no
Been to a concert: nope

Dated one of your best friends: yes
Loved someone so much it makes you cry:  yeah unfortunatly

Deceived somebody close to you:  never

Broken the law: yes

Been to a rodeo: no
Been on a talk show: no

Been on a game show: no

Been on an airplane: no

Got to ride on a firetruck:  no

Came close to dying:  yes at birth

Cheated on a bf/gf:  ive been cheated on 
Gave someone a piggy back ride: duh all the time

Terrorized a babysitter: never had one
Made a mud pie: nope
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: cant remember

Snuck out of the house at night: no

Been so drunk you don't remember your name: noo

Felt like you didn't belong: duh
Felt like the 3rd wheel: yes
Smoked: no
Done drugs: no
Been arrested: nope
Had your tonsils removed: yes
Gone to camp:  yep
Won a bet: i think so 
Written a love letter:  kinda 
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love:  i try 
Written a love poem:  no 
Kissed in the rain: no

Slow danced with someone you love: yes and no

Participated in an orgy: not to many jk

Faked an orgasm: no?
Stolen a kiss: no?

Asked a friend for relationship advice: yeah

Had a friend steal your crush: kinda

Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: friends at kayleens

Gotten a speeding ticket: no
Done jail time: no
Had to wear a uniform to work: gee no
Won a trophy: no/kinda

Thrown up in public:  lol yeah i think
Bowled a perfect game: if perfect is like maybe 100

Failed/got held back: no

Roasted pumpkin seeds: yes

Taken ballet/karate lessons:no
Attempted suicide: nope
Cut yourself:  never

Do you believe in aliens: no

Name three things that are next to your computer:  penh penicil paper

Do you have any hidden talents: maybe wink wink
Do you wish MTV would play music videos: they dont
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be:  probably drama or comedy
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen:  i dont know when i first saw scream i was scared but im a panzy

What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen:  a lot of them

Do you drive:  heck no

What is your dream car: i havnt thought of it

Do you think your good looking:  no

Do others think you are good looking:  like i know
Would you ever sky dive:  not really
How many rooms do you have in your house:  8

Are you afraid of roller coasters: no and i want to be on one
Do you believe in God: yes

Do you own a pooltable: no
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: yes.
Do you like chocolate: sometimes
Who/what is on your 2005 calendar: i dont have one
How many U.S. states have you been to: like 10

Ever wished on a shooting star: never seen one

Best Halloween costume you ever wore: dont really have one
Do you carry any weapons on you: no
Name something you can't get enough of: duh like my frineds

Do you consider yourself a trendy person: no
Are you an artistic person: no

Are you a realistic person: most of the time

Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: depends on the shoes

Are you a strong person: pshh

Who is the last person to e-mail you: kody
Who is the last person to IM you: kody
Do you hate chain e-mails: yes

Are you a deep sleeper: sometimes

Are you a good story teller:  not at all

What is your greatest accomplishment: when i accomplish something i will tell you
Do you like to burn candles or incense: neer have

Do you have your own credit card: no
Do you have a check book: nah.
Do you like your drivers license:  dont have one

Do you tan easily: in most spots

What color is your hair naturally: Brown
How many fillings do you have: 2 or 3

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