Thanks to
i_chaos_bringer for this one, time for me to be opinionated.
The Controversial Quiz
1 - Do you have the guts to answer these Q's and repost as The Controversial Survey?
2 - Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No, I don't like to mess myself up on anything besides booze from time to time, weed once in a blue moon, and 'shrooms one time at Wreck Beach after a Final Exam a few years ago.
3 - Abortion: for or against?
For. Unless they're truly ready for it financially and emotionally after having given it a great deal of thought, people should hold off on having children. Frankly, I think if anything more people should choose abortion or at the very least adoption.
4 - A 2 month old child and a 65 year old man who has the cure for cancer but hasn't had a chance to announce it yet, one of them has to die...who should survive?
The 65-year old man. A shame about the baby, but the cure for cancer would save thousands of people of all ages. Utilitarianism-the idea that what is right is doing the thing that will do the greatest good for the greatest number of people-works 99% of the time.
5 - Would our country fall with a woman president?
Well, yes. If my country-Canada-had a woman president, it would mean we'd finally been invaded and annexed by the Americans. As for a woman Prime Minister/Leader, though, Canada briefly had one (and we technically do have a female Head of State as well of course) and things puttered along as well or ill as ever. I can't stand some feminist types who insist that the world would be perfect if women ran the world-since the type of person who makes it big in politics seems to be the same type regardless of gender, and no one's perfect-but it's equally silly to suggest that women can't lead.
6 - Do you believe in the death penalty?
No, too Old Testament for my liking.
7 - Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I'm apathetic, I suppose if it was more readily available I'd smoke it more, but whether or not that would be a good thing is open to debate.
8 - Are you for or against premarital sex?
9 - Do you believe in God?
No. Nor do I really care to find out whether or not He/She/It exists, and it wouldn't change my view of the universe and/or any of my actions in life if I knew for sure.
10 - Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes. See #9. Honestly, there's no good argument against it, especially considering how messed up many (most?) hetero marriages are. I do feel, however, that no religious leader should be forced to perform a same sex marriage against his/her will.
11 - Do you think its wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Considering the way the American economy's going, I question whether or not it's a good idea! Although I've noticed more Mexicans around Vancouver lately, doing Construction work and the like...perhaps they're the next wave of immigration up here?
12 - A 13 year old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
Honestly, considering most 13-year old girls I've known, no. One of the "A" words is the best option.
13 - I guess the questioner has a thing about the number 13...
14 - Should the war in Iraq be called off?
Yes, I don't pretend to be the one who should be calling the shots on that extremely complicated and volatile situation, but if I was, I'd say get the US out of there, send in a multinational UN peacekeeping force to rebuild as best they can.
15 - Assisted suicide is you agree?
I think that 9 times out of 10 life is worth living despite the pain, it beats the alternative, but in those situations like a debilitating terminal illness (ALS, say, or worse still something mental like Alzheimer's or Dementia) or a coma from which the patient has no chance of emerging, I think that it should at least be decriminalized so that no one's punished by the law for taking what they think is the best course of action.
16 - Do you believe in spanking your children?
I don´t actually plan on having children, but in general, no, I don't believe in corporal punishment. There are better ways of making it clear to a child that they've done something they shouldn't have without harming them.
17 - Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Yes. I'd burn a Canadian flag too. Hell, I'd burn a-well, you probably don't want to know how far I'd for a million dollars, that's a hell of a lot of money. As long as my health/dignity wasn't overly compromised...
18 - A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case...what do you think?
Having 5 kids is insane to begin with. More generally, I think it would be better if instead of "Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity", people were declared "Guilty but Insane." It would take away the sense of being absolved for the actions they committed while still acknowledging that they weren't in their right minds at the time of their offence.
19 - It's between you and a person who is being kept alive by life support has to die who?
The other guy. What, I like being alive. I'm sure I'll feel different as I get older though.
20 - Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
No. Everyone who reads this LJ's my friend, and since I don't judge my friends for their actions and beliefs, I don't expect them to judge mine. And if they're not my friend, then what do I care what they think of me?