Ya know, I really miss Phil Hartman sometimes. Thinking about what sort of cameos he'd have had in the Simpsons movie, or how great he would have been as Zapp Brannigan on Futurama (although Billy West did a fantastic impression), or finding a motherlode of classic Newsradio bits on Youtube (hey, I already own all the DVDs, so I've legally purchased all of this, which I now share with my LJ friends):
http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Newsradio Bloody brilliant stuff from a series so criminally underrated and jerked around by its' network that it's a wonder they weren't on FOX. I can't believe it's been seven years since I was introduced to the series by some friends in my high school drama class (We actually acted out an episode for a class project; I somehow got stuck playing Andy Dick's character. Forget I shared that.) and spent the entire summer watching and laughing my ass off. As mentioned earlier, Phil Hartman as Bill McNeal was my favourite character back then, but watching it now I realize what a great character Stephen Root's Jimmy James is/was. Take a look at this memorable rant:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JGKTgfpeUs I still hope and pray for a Jimmy James spinoff. Just have him roam the earth and do eccentric billionaire stuff and go on rants and tell stories, I'd watch.