Wow. And here I didn't really think there was much Joss stuff coming up beyond the tail ends of his run on Runaways and X-Men, and maybe Goners if that ever gets off the ground. Shows how much I know. My random thoughts:
-Ripper's going to happen? Seriously? The Giles show for the BBC that's been in development hell for damned near as long as the second X-Files movie? I'd given up hope for that ever getting off the ground, but it should be fantastic, hopefully blending gritty British mystery series with Buffyverse wit and horror.
-A Cabin in the Woods sounds interesting, the sort of thing where it's a really simple premise (cabin in the woods, scary shit going on) done really well.
-Oz. Comic appearance. Cool.
-I have never been more excited about a short ballet film than I am about The Serving Girl. More Joss-written music plus more Summer Glau dancing.
-Something with Fray? *prays that it's a movie or TV series* Not very likely, I know, but godamn, that would kick ass.
-Angel Comics? Sweet, been waiting three years to see how it all turns out! I promise not to complain too loudly about whatever Deux Ex Machina gets them out of the unwinnable battle with W&H's legions.