My New Favourite Comic...

Jul 23, 2007 20:47

Which I discovered while randomly drunkenly browsing Golden Age Collectibles. The name Brian K. Vaughan-creator of Runaways, my other new favourite comic book-caught my eye so I checked out the current issue and first TPB compilation of his Y-The Last Man series. Brilliant, brilliant, stuff. Great premise-what happens when a mysterious plague wipes out all of the world's men save one-with some really interesting little touches that make you think. For example, 99% of planes in the air when all of the men die crash, since the overwhelming majority of pilots are male. The new US President is the token female cabinet member, some minor post like Agriculture or Education (hmm, wonder if the BSG guys read Y). The only nation that has any significant military force left is Israel, since the Israeli army is (apparently) the most integrated in the world in terms of gender, with women serving in combat roles. And so on. Clever stuff.

Great characters, too; for some reason I feel an affinity with the main character, Yorick, an underachieving goofy slacker with an English degree and far too much trivial pop culture knowledge. Can't imagine why I like that character...maybe it's the monkey. Always wanted a monkey. Lotta nice eye candy in terms of the other characters, my only complaint is that there are a couple of near-ethnic stereotypes in there (badass black chick, brainy Asian scientist; looks like both of those characters have layers though). Quality stuff, and yet another goddamned monthly addiction. Comic books, crack made out of paper.

On a completely unrelated note, it just occured to me while talking to i_chaos_bringer that the Vancouver Public Library system was threatened with shutdown due to the city strike on the eve of the release of probably the most greatly anticipated book of all time. Looks like the libraries are going to remain open, but that would have been hugely ironic) as well as possibly riot-inducing for the 200 or so that are apparently on the Deathly Hallows waitlist from the library.

brian k. vaughan, y-the last man, comics

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