Thanks to
samanthadelayed Looked forward to doing this one since I love to blather about all the eclectic obscure music I listen to:
1. The Beatles
2. Great Big Sea
3. Warren Zevon
4. Johnny Cash
5. Barenaked Ladies
6. Bob Dylan
7. Weezer
8. Richard Thompson
9. Nick Cave
10. "Weird Al" Yankovic
What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
Umm...probably Blowin' in the Wind, although the song that made me a Dylan fan was Desolation Row with all of those literary references. Any song that has Romeo, Ophelia, T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound making cameos is alright with me.
What is your favorite song of 2?
Damn, too many. Traditional stuff probably "Lukey", original poppier stuff we'll go with "Let it Go."
What is your favorite lyric of 5?
Watching X-Files with no lights on/We're Dans la Maison/I hope the Smoking Man's in this one/Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic/Like Sting I'm tantric/Like Snickers guaranteed to satisfy/Like Kurosawa I make mad films/'Kay I don't make films/But if they did they'd have a samurai
How many times have you seen 4 live?
I really shouldn't have picked a dead artist who I never saw live for this one, now I'm depressed. Afterlife maybe?
What is your favorite song by 7?
In My Garage, geek anthem
Is there any song by 3 that makes you sad?
The Indifference of Heaven
What is your favorite lyric of 2?
So many to choose from...go with this from "When I am King"
Daylight waits to shine until the moment you awaken
So you never miss the dawn
No question, now, you know which road you're taking
Lights all green, the radio plays just the perfect song
Well, the war's been won. All the fights are fought
You find yourself in just the spot
It's a place where everybody's got a song to sing.
Just like the final movie scene. The prince will find his perfect queen
The hero always saves the world. The villains get what they deserve
The boy will always get the girl
When I am King
What is your favorite song by 9?
Red Right Hand
When did you first get into 1?
My parents took an old copy of The White Album on a family trip to France and I listened to it nonstop.
How did you get into 3?
Zevon's appearances on Letterman, especially the one after he was diagnosed with his terminal cancer and when asked by Dave if he'd learned anything from facing imminent death replied that he'd learned that you have to "enjoy every sandwich" and then did a rocking version of "Roland the Headless Thomson Gunner."
What is your favorite song by 4?
His version of NIN's "Hurt".
How many times have you seen 9 live?
None, but there's still time since he's not he?
What is a good memory concerning 4?
Watching the biopic "Walk the Line" with my GF at the time.
Is there a song by 10 that makes you sad?
Actually Weird Al's White and Nerdy kind of makes me sad considering how many of the references I get.
What is your favorite song of 1?
Eleanor Rigby
How did you become a fan of 8?
Listening to my parent's record collection, and also through a bunch of his songs that K sent me for my b-day one year. Great British folk-rock guitarist for those that don't know who Richard Thompson is.