Apr 06, 2009 11:47
So there I was, on an internet forum (which I try not to do). Some guy was complaining about some bullshit or another (shocking, I know). And he said that he worshiped the Norse Gods. He actually said that he worshiped the Norse Gods. Y'know, the Norse Gods: Odin, Thor, Loki, etc. Then some other guy (or maybe a girl, the screen name wasn't gender specific) also spoke up and claimed to be a viking priest (I forget the exact word they used, but they used a word I recognized from at least 1 role-playing game), one who, in their own words, venerates; "Odin and the Norns, mostly". I'm pretty sure that neither of them were joking, or using hyperbole. It took all of my willpower not to ask; "What? Were Marduk and Tiamat too old-school for you?" I mean really. It's one thing to worship a guy who appeared as a burning bush, but Odin had a six-legged horse.
How does one decide to become a worshiper of Odin? Most people get their religion from their parents. Scientologists, the child-molesters of the spiritual world, recruit weak people with lots of money. I wonder how many of these half-assed pagans chose a religion just to piss off their parents. Couldn't they have gotten a nose piercing instead?