Mar 14, 2007 00:50
It's ten minutes until 1 a.m. I just finished an eight minute conversation with one of my dearest friends, Rebecca Todd. Since she lives out of state, I haven't seen her in almost a year. Since we both work crazy schedules, we don't get to talk very often. But in her drunken stupor, she called me. We talked. I'm still not sure what, if any, actual conversations went on. But the following things happened while we talked.
She talked about how much she had to pee.
She said she would have to get off the phone in a moment so she could pee.
She peed, with me none the wiser.
She told me that she had accidentally peed a bit in her pants.
I asked her if she had peed already, while we were still on the phone.
She talked some more about how she'd peed herself a little.
I asked her (again) if she'd peed while on the phone with me.
She revealed that she had, and that she had peed herself more than just a little.
She put her urine-soaked panties in her fiancee's bathroom sink (apparently they have separate sinks).
She told me she had to get off the phone.
I really miss her.