New Years Resolutions? PFFFFFT!

Jan 09, 2006 08:45

My new year’s resolution this year is not to have a new year’s resolution. Not going to try to lose weight, not going to cut down or cut out drinking, smoking (already don’t smoke), staying out late, smoking crack, etc. Not going to get up 15 minutes earlier in the morning to do tai chi or yoga. Nope, not me. I won't be one of the people clogging up the gym for the month of January, and then not go again until next January when I make another new years resolution.
While there are things I can improve about myself, they aren't really new year's resolution material. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how last year went, and don't feel the need to make a beginning of the year commital to change anything.

Besides, my resolution not to have a resolution is a resolution I can see through.
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