My dad flew out this morning. He was going to be here all month but had to cut the visit short because his little brother was just diagnosed with leukemia. They caught it early enough- crazy story: My cousin sells this vitamin supplement thing and Uncle Terry tried it and wanted to test to see if it's really work, so he got a blood test before taking it and another blood test 3 months later. His platelet count was down at the 2nd visit, so they had him come back a couple months later and it was down again. Then they diagnosed him. His curiosity quite likely saved his life because they've caught it at such an early stage- who knows when they'd have caught it otherwise. Anyway, his chromosomes have virtually no damage so things look good and he's going in for aggressive chemo next week.
My brother Steve and his girlfriend are here for the week, staying in my sister's tiny ass apartment.
I'm firing a dumbass this week- the pothead I wanted to deal with last week but he didn't show up. I wrote him up at his next shift and sent him home. He bought some stuff with his discount and came back the next day, wanting to exchange the stuff because it's for his friend and was the wrong size. Idiot. He's had a final write up for abusing our discount. So he's fired on his next shift. I wonder if he'll show up. I have to come in on my day off again for this shithead. At least it'll over now.
Barack Obama gave an awesome speech about race today- I can't justify it with a summary, but it addresses all the bullshit the campaigns and news have stirred up and the truths about the racial divide that political correctness can't solve I guess that's all for now