Jun 24, 2002 22:52
Today has been a weird day. Earlier today I was really moody. I would go from being in a good mood to being a total bitch. A perfect example would be my conversation with Casey earlier tonight. We were joking around having a good time and then all the sudden he asked this "perverted" question that's an inside joke between us. All the sudden I like blew up at him and told him never to talk about that stuff again. It was weird how one minute I was fine but then the next I was furious for no reason. Right now, though, every thing is going alright. I'm bored...and I'm sitting at home yet another night but for some reason that doesn't really bother me. Oh well. I talked to Blythe today which was really good. It made me realize yet again how excited I am about going back to Southlake. (Not that I need a reminder!) I started packing tonight since I'm so excited. I know that tomorrow I'm gonna feel like I have nothing to do since I got most of my packing done but I feel like maybe I won't forget anything if I do it this way. Over the last few days I've realized that I'm really nervous about seeing Jon. I think I'm more nervous about that than anything else. It still seems weird that he's dating Amy so soon after dating me. It's not like I expect him to sit around miserable or anything but it just seems odd. I feel like I don't even know him anymore. Not that I've actually been able to tell any of this by talking to him or anything since he doesn't bother to call me or anything but from what Kristi tells me it just seems like he's a totally different person than I ever thought he was. Then again I guess people change. Nothing I can do about it so why worry right?