You know what I miss?

Apr 01, 2011 21:45

Freakin' livejournal...that's what i miss. I miss opening up the hotmail account and seeing comments on a clever entry. I miss meeting new people via livejournal. Where would I be without Christopher Simon? The world is a much better place with you in it sir.

I miss you...whoever you are reading this...

I miss having an event in my life happen and know that I was going to come home, fire up the 300 pound desktop and compose something completely retarded that all 12 of you would read and share in, and most likely were a part of.

Happy birthday Stacey's...

Remember when you learned how to code and you could make things scroll and flash and have a ridiculous sized font?

Can it be that it was all so simple then?

I'm a grown up now, and I suppose I need to put away childish things.

Remember skipping through all your songs in your windows media player until you found one that was ok to put as your current music?

I still don't know what quixotic means.

Livejournal...what the heck were we thinking?

I would probably sucker punch my 2001 self...

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

via ljapp

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