I meant to tell you sooner, it's been gnawing at my brain

Feb 22, 2009 15:15

Write 15 Random, personal things about yourself, things that you don't usually talk about publicly, no cheating and putting lame answers.

I - I'm a tease.
II - I spend way too much time looking at myself in the mirror, not because i like looking at myself, but because i hate the way i look.
III - I dissect situations until there's pretty much no meaning left in them.
IV - I'm straight, but i fell in love with this one girl for two years. i never told her a thing.
V - My biggest fear is becoming my mother.
VI - I eventually end up hating most of the boys i date.
VII - I can't stand a lot of the people i'm friends with.
VIII - I lust after boys that're way out of my league, and i can't stop.
IX- I have this horrible habit of picking out people's flaws, but I can't look at my own
X - I do not approve of overly-pessimistic people.
XI - I think i might have committment issues.
XII - Music is sometimes literally the only thing that can calm me down.
XIII - My obsessions change too much.
XIV - I'm afraid to drive.
XV - Thinking of fifteen things about myself was way too hard.



1. What's your name: ashley
2. How tall are you: 5'5ish
3. What color are your eyes: dark brown
4. What color is your hair: right now, an in-between dye jobs blend of black and brown.
5. Are you Male or Female: female
6. What is your best feature (physically): i love my legs ;D
7. What's your shoe size: 7 1/2ish
8. Glasses, yes or no: yea
9. Did you ever have braces: yes
10. On a typical day you are wearing: jeans, flipflops and whatever shirt i've got in my closet
11. When you go to bed you're wearing: tanktop, thong. (idon'tlikesleepinginpants)
12. work out/exercise about how often: run&crunches four times a week monday through thursday

1. Name five of your favorite bands:
(well, isn't this question just evil, really, just five?)
Panic at the Disco, The Hush Sound, Bright Eyes, Empires, and The Blood Brothers
2. Name five of your favorite singers: conor oberst, patrick wolf, thom yorke, sean vleet, and johnny cash
3. Name three songs you are currently playing nonstop: "overture," "carry me home, "the happy ending"
4. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life right now: "I'm serving time all for a crime I did commit. You want the truth? You know I'd do it all again."
5. Name one song (give lyrics) that best describes your life one year ago:"i'm sorry i'm not strong enough to let go of the things that i love way too much"
6. When you're driving, what are the preset stations on your radio: don't listen to the radio, rarely.
7. What's the last CD you bought: The Black Dahlia Murder
8. Was the last CD you burned an actual CD or a mix: actual cd
9. Name one song/band/singer you're embarrassed to like but do: Lady Gaga
10. If you could only attend one concert ever again, it would be: warp tour '05
11. Name one band/singer you absolutely can't stand: PARAMORE
12. Name a group you use to like but feel you've grown out of: My Chemical Romance

1. Name your favorite actor: Edward Norton
2. Name your favorite actress: Joan Crawford
3. Name your favorite television show right now: Nip/Tuck (when i had cable)
4. Name five really cool movies you've recently seen: idk
5. Your favorite canceled television show: Invader Zim
7. Name one movie you wish you hadn't wasted time/money on recently: too many to name, actually
8. You would never watch a movie with: a loud chewer/ messy eater.
9. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: m&ms
10. Three favorite tv channels: DON'T HAVE CABLE >:l
11. Favorite reality show: n/a
12. Favorite character on a reality show: don't have one

(Write the first word/thing/person that comes into your head when you read this word:)
1. coffee: latte
2. dog: want
3. slut: hot
4. candy: fat
5. pole: north
6. ocean: drown
7. brave: heart
8. loving: all my
9. cookie: fatfatfat
10. death: cab
11. life: ruiner
12. child: molestor...wtaf?


1. Ten guilty men go free OR One innocent man goes to jail for life: one innocent man goes to jail.
2. Eaten by a lion OR Eaten by thousands of small insects: lion.
3. A life of contentment without love OR A life with love and heartache: love and heartache, please.
4. Skydiving from a plane OR Bungee jumping off a bridge: skydiving
6. No television OR No music: seriously? no tv.
7. No more pizza, ever OR No more chocolate, ever: no more pizza.
8. A trip to Europe OR a trip to Hawaii: europe
9. An hour with your future soul mate OR An hour with a lost loved one: a lost loved one.
10. No longer being able to cry OR No longer being able to feel the need to cry: not being able to feel the need to cry.
11. Sex without love OR love without sex:...sexwithoutlove.
12. Loving someone who doesn't love you OR being loved by someone you don't love: i definitely like being on the giving end more than the receiving. it's definitely less awkward.


1. Are you currently in a relationship: No
2. Are you currently looking/interested in someone: yeah
3. Are you a virgin: no
4. If yes, how long do you plan to be one: reinforce my whoreism why don't you
5. How many times have you been "in love": once, i think, i did alot of things i always said i wouldn't. so either i was a huge idiot or I was in love. maybe both times infinity.
6. Looking back, how do you feel about that person(s) now: i still love that boy.
7. Name three things (physically) you look for in someone: kind eyes, pretty hands, great hair
8. Name three things (mentally/emotionally) you look for in someone: durability, stability, humor
9. Biggest turn offs include: aloofness, lack of intelligence
10. Your ideal date would be: at the beach, in winter.
11. You want to get married, where, when, how: as late as possible. if ever.
12. Does anyone have feelings for you right now that you don't return: as far as i know, two guys, one girl.

boredom, rl

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