(no subject)

Sep 16, 2009 14:53

Television review.


Stefan, it was a good run. Perhaps the fate of Samson had befallen on you or it was first-day-of-school jitters, or maybe that dancing man to your left just knew more trivia. Regardless, you're my favorite contestant and we'll all root for you come the 2010 Championship.


It wasn't a new episode, but it was the un-aired season finale, and if you can watch it on the internet, then stop reading boring Live Journal and watch it right now right now. It reminded me of Fray--gritty and dark and with a futuristic vernacular. That girl who played Molly in Heroes is SPECTACULAR and (mark my words) will be the next Jodie Foster. Give her an Emmy. Felicia Day was also amazing, but that's not news.

Speaking of Felicia Day, have you seen The Guild? She made it. It's GREAT. I don't understand everything, but that's okay.

Corner Gas

This wan't new either, but Derek and I finally got out hands on Season 6 and finished the series. I would have cried, but I held back my tears because I haven't cried over a TV show ending since Friends. I thought the last season was a little weaker than the first 5, but maybe I judged it harsher because I unfairly expected more due to expectations. I liked the special "It's Been a Gas" better than the last episode, which featured Brent Butt talking to the actors, crew interviews, and behind-the-scenes of preproduction. They seem all so, so nice. I did cry during that show because they were describing The Actors Absolute Dream. Maybe it's because they're Canadian. Canadians are nice. Which reminds me, one of the episodes was about Brent and Emma messing with Oscar to convince him he's nationally American, and they would say things like, "You're very loud and disagreeable, just like an America." It was funny (many Americans really are loud and disagreeable) and interesting that it never aired in America. I'd like to watch more TV shows that talk about us, but not to our faces. Anyway, it just made me want to move to Canada and be in a Canadian sitcom, even though I'm sure they'd never hire an outsider. Maybe I'll hold out for Fringe. They shoot in Vancouver now.
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