Most folks tend to forget this, but this type of discrimination actually falls under gender discrimination laws, not gender identity discrimination laws. These laws are written to include not fitting into "expected norms" for ones gender. I would highly recommend talking to the ACLU in your area, because they are violating a bunch of federal AND state laws at this point. Lambda Legal may also be of use. Unfortunately, in the current economy, quitting may not be a good option due to lack of jobs. But if you do decide to quit, you should be able to get unemployment and sue them as well.
My best advice is to document EVERYTHING. If you can get them to put it in writing (even an email) do so. The easy way to do this is, if you have company email, simply email your boss and say something like, "I want to ensure I am understanding the policy correctly. Will you please confirm that I must ____(fill in the blank)___?" Once you get a reply, do the same thing with your HR person. Then turn those emails over to a lawyer from Lambda or the ACLU. You have a strong case.
Best of luck -- you have the support of two people out here in Seattle. Hang in there.
My best advice is to document EVERYTHING. If you can get them to put it in writing (even an email) do so. The easy way to do this is, if you have company email, simply email your boss and say something like, "I want to ensure I am understanding the policy correctly. Will you please confirm that I must ____(fill in the blank)___?" Once you get a reply, do the same thing with your HR person. Then turn those emails over to a lawyer from Lambda or the ACLU. You have a strong case.
Best of luck -- you have the support of two people out here in Seattle. Hang in there.
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