Because I can't make decisions my picspam is too epic for lj to handle so here is Part the Second!
Hang on just one cotton pickin' minute! This all looks very familiar. Could it be - ? No! Is it? Could it possibly be?
YES! It IS! It's the freaking DRAGON!!
And hasn't he had an attractive make over since last year?
CGI budget is bigger this year people, let's get excited about THAT.
Merlin however is not blinded by the dragon's new prettier face and will take none of his bullshit.
Up until the point he agrees to do something INCREDIBLY STUPID anyway.
Then we have magic! And it is pretty magic, golden and glowy, and sinks into Merlin's brain via osmosis.
What do the knights of Camelot do best?? Why yes, that is right, they RUN AWAY!!!
There's some good form there, some of them are even looking where they're going which has been found to provide better results.
Who is this guy? Come's out of nowhere, doesn't even have a shield or swishy cloak, and tries to take over the situation. Jeeze.
Never fear though, as we all know SIR LEON the FABULOUS pops up next episode (and you won't see me complaining about him coming out of no where with no back story) and totally replaces this guy.
Thought we'd lost Arthur for a minute there, and that would have been awful, obviously, because I'm sure he could do something to fight all this MAGIC because he's done so well up to now, being knocked out and wounded and all....
Oh, spoke to soon. Arthur is cornered by one of the Hunchback of Notre Dame gargoyles and selflessly tells his knights to save themselves and that's an order. He also shouts at them to RUN! As if they needed telling, that's all they ever do. They have TRAINING for that.
Here is random bloke again, inforcing Arthur's orders.
What is wrong with him? What he SHOULD be saying is "No, sir, I can't do it! I can't leave you! I won't! We'll fight side by side, to the death! The DEATH I tell you!"
But he doesn't, he runs away. (To be fair, Arthur would probably freak out if he had said that, it's a bit... much.)
Random bloke pops up again and has a fight with Uther because Uther is being a father again. He actually grabs the king by his lapels! And that takes some balls.
Uther disapproves of this casual handling of his new coat.
The plot comes back to shock them all. Uther and Gaius FEAR the plot.
Merlin arrives to instigate the rescue that Gwen robbed him of earlier because....
that's right! Arthur has got himself knocked out again and his sword is JUST out of reach.
Merlin serves him using the FORCE er Magic and this is much more impressive than Gwen and her chest.
He's probably not dead though, because it's the first episode and all and that would make it really anticlimactic.
Freaking Cedric (or Evil Sorcerer Cornelius Sigan as we should now call him) interrupts this beautiful moment so he can MENACE poor Merlin.
Cornelius presses all Merlin's buttons about not being appreciated and Arthur being an oblivious clot and whatnot and there is moment when Merlin almost breaks... almost almost.
But he doesn't, because he is Merlin and he is BRILLIANT.
There is more MAGIC and Cornelius goes for the old possess the most powerful person around trick, which never ends badly. No, never.....
When Merlin gets knocked out it's only for a couple of seconds, even when he is possessed by an EVIL SORCERER. Take notes Arthur.
Gaius comes out to see what all the commotion is about and to tell them to KEEP THE BLOODY NOISE DOWN, WILL YOU??!?
I'd loved this really moody reveal and the mysterious smoke and everything, and it the first close up I had no clue if it was really our Merlin in there. Even if it was I felt like what he had been through had really changed him and he might be more than a little bit screwed up in there (all down to Colin Morgan by the way).
And then he does THIS!! And it is so completely adorable and made me so happy!!
Colin Morgan you STAR!
Gaius agrees and they hug it out, right there in the courtyard. Happy times.
Uther and Gaius have a robe swishing rematch.
With expressions like this in his arsenal, I feel that Gaius is going to win this round. He looks a bit like a tortoise.
Uther has clearly learned NOTHING from this episode and Gaius is less than impressed, but tones his eyebrow down because he doesn't want to be executed.
Arthur has learned some manners in his time as Prince. Apparently when visiting other people's chambers it is common courtesy to have your shirt ON but not to clean the blood from your latest heroic battle (even though it was LAST NIGHT!!) off your face.
Melin's default reaction to his presence is guilt.
Gaius approves and thinks Merlin might finally be improving before Arthur acts completely out of character and undermines all Gaius' hard work.
Merlin is also shocked by these events.
Arthur had thought it through for some time but hadn't managed to find a way for it to look like he wasn't actually apologising, so he simply hoped Merlin wouldn't notice.
Unfortunately for him, Merlin chooses this moment to be perceptive and then he makes a BIG DEAL of it.
Merlin soon realises that his mistake was drawing attention to the fact. He should have been quietly pleased but not actually SAY anything.
Arthur likes the retribution he dreamt up for Merlin daring to save his life.
Merlin's less than impressed.
However, everything ends happily because they realise that they've got through another week without Arthur dying so destiny and fate won't come and beat them up yet.
I've probably wasted enough time now, so shall return to coursework. Curse.