I have so far had only one meltdown re: coursework/exams - it's a new record! However, I haven't even looked at my autobiography questions, it's going to be fine, fine, hahahahahahaohgod.
The only way I am dragging myself through this nightmare, besides more chocolate and coffee than should be physically possible, is watching Supernatural FROM THE BEGINNING. Does this help? HELL YES IT DOES.
Do you remember when those boys were all cute and adorable? So lovely.
Also, listening to supernatural style music, it can fade into the background if needs be and then POWERCHORD AND OVERLY LOUD SING-ALONG - it's on shuffle and right now we're having a bit of Journey Angel - which goes along the lines of "You're my annnnnnngelllllllllllllll, COME AND SAVE ME TONIGHT! you're the reason I live, you're the reason I cry something something EMOTIONEMOTIONEMOTION"
Anyway. This gif will help everyone, whatever they're doing, wherever they are. I believe in the power of Winchester hugs.
I reserve the right to retract this post when I'm a little more with it...