The excitement has faded to a slightly less constantly flaily level and I've come to realise that Merlin is over for another year and there won't be another season in like FOREVER.
I know, I know, I'm crying too. I'm also scared about the break and what the hell I'm supposed to do while I'm avoiding uni work.
I do watch other shows, contrary to all evidence, there's:
- Supernatural (my original love and I'm trying to give Series 6 a fair chance - that said, I'm well behind),
- Doctor Who (get off this list, you don't go here any more - but Michael Gambon at christmas!),
- Glee (which I swore I'd given up because blegh, but then Darren Criss was all whiley and lured me back in because adorable doesn't cover it, still I don't watch it religiously or anything)
- Gossip Girl (ok, yes, in lots of ways it's rubbish, it really is, but that's what makes it enjoyable, I couldn't really care less about what happens to them all though)
- Justified (that there's some lovely tv, when is that going to be back on?)
- The Vampire Diaries (I have literally just got back into it - every time I try to write it off it does something great and I love the music)
- White Collar (good looking, clever tv)
- Criminal Minds (love the intensity of the whole thing)
- Castle (funny, sad, true and Ryan and Esposito make my LIFE)
- The Mentalist (as above - just exchange Ryan and Esposito for Jane and Lisbon's badassery and Cho's brilliance and Rigsby's UTTER confusion)
Anyway - somewhere in there I lost the point - but I think what I'm trying to say is that though I enjoy these shows I'm not that interested in the fandom of them (with the exception of Supernatural although not so much anymore) - Merlin on the other hand has the most lovely fandom.
So over Merlin's absence I suggest we band together, keep each other going through the cold, bitter, frugal months and share the wonder of this show and its cast and crew - because I still love it :)
Ok so I'm thinking - pictures, gifs, fanvid/fanfic/fanart recs, thoughts on last series, hopes for the next, sharing other coping mechanisms whether it's copious amounts of coffee cake or alcohol or sinking your obsession into another show.
We need glitter, bright colours and general flamboyancy.
And something good to call it... for now I'm going with this (it alliterates alright):
Ok so, to start things off:
I'm reccing this AMAZING art by
vicky_vI love so much about it - Morgana's sauciness, Elyan being a literal special snowflake stalker style, Gwaine absolutely pissing himself laughing, Merlin's face and Leon as a star being terrified.
Find it at
Merlin Advent hereI think I might just go and set up house in
Merlin Advent actually, there is some lovely stuff going on there.
Also this gif by lovely
who_love, because EVERYONE FANCIES PERCIVAL and they are so impressed by his GUNS. Also I want more of him all over fandom :D
I'd apologise for your flist but it's PERCIVAL'S GUNS.