
Sep 20, 2015 11:22

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Comments 279

martinibaby1 August 20 2008, 19:23:14 UTC
That definitely makes sense. I'm thinking about doing it too, but I haven't made my mind up, not yet. LJ is my fantasy world, my little secret and I want to keep it that way... So maybe I already have my answer.

have a nice day Amy,


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 19:39:40 UTC
I'm glad it makes sense. It's kind of an experiment, and maybe I'll be sorry later, but I was just getting increasingly uncomfortable. Probably all silly, but as you said, LJ is my escape and I want to protect it.


martinibaby1 August 20 2008, 19:55:08 UTC
If it was making you uncomfortable, then something was wrong. You shouldn't feel like that when LJ is your way of escaping... It's the right decision I think, and I use Michael's words for this: Have faith


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 21:54:29 UTC
*smiles* Thanks hon!


lauratnz August 20 2008, 19:25:52 UTC
These posts are never easy to write, so, hats off to you.
And it's perfectly understandable, re the work thing. I've been using the same nickname for ten years and use it for everything, and I PANIC at the thought that someone from work might accidentally come across one of my flail-squee-omg-how-much-do-i-love-this-sara posts *facepalm*


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 19:40:42 UTC
Yes, me too. PANIC. And I know some people already have found me here, and it's not that I'm embarrassed by the fanfic (I'm proud of it), but rather that it's so hard to explain it. I grow weary of that.


melanyebaggins August 20 2008, 19:42:14 UTC
IIiiii would miss reading your rants and fics, so I would have to *comment* even though I think I'm already *added* I remember when I friends locked my journal...many many moons ago. I never once regretted it, and I'm sure you won't either.

^_^ *hugs*


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 19:45:50 UTC
You're already added, hon. I'm glad to hear you never regretted it! Hope it'll be the same for me.


alienmom August 20 2008, 19:55:04 UTC
hey, it's your LJ and you can do whatever you want without explaining or feeling guilty about it.

as long as i can still come & play, it's all good! =]

p.s. i'm still avoiding all spoilers...thanks so much for using the cuts. *smushes you*


wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 21:53:53 UTC
This will take some getting used to, but once I have, I think I'll like it a lot.

And of course...putting things under spoilers is easy enough. I just worry you spoiler-avoiders will get spoiled by casual discussions here and there. You must have to be on alert all the time!


alienmom August 21 2008, 02:44:26 UTC
You must have to be on alert all the time

you have no idea!! LOL

being a spoiler-phobe works for me. i learned thr hard way, in my first fandom, that i'm better off going in with no expectations then i'm not disappointed and i enjoy the show more.

that's why i have been MIA from certain LJs, you big spoiler whores!! '->


wrldpossibility August 21 2008, 04:37:38 UTC
See, I'm just the opposite. I expect SO much, that I have to read spoilers (that often disappoint) in order to bring my expectations down a notch, and then I can enjoy the show. This season though? All bets are off! I'm so excited!


(The comment has been removed)

wrldpossibility August 20 2008, 21:56:19 UTC
Ha! Good description!! And no, I could never explain it either. I think fandom is one of those things that has to be seen (experienced) to believe. I am so grateful that I've found other people who get this obsession though. *squishes*


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