Away in the Woods (2/3)

Nov 11, 2011 16:55

Title: Away in the Woods
Author: wrldpossibility
Fandom: Castle
Chapter: 2
Characters: Castle/Beckett
Word Count: 3000
Rating: PG (so far)
Spoilers: Vaguely for previews of 4.09 and not so vaguely for Heat Rises.
Summary: Beckett and Castle are banished to her father's cabin in the woods. Alone. For days. Make of that what you will.
Author's Note: This is Chapter ( Read more... )

castle, away in the woods

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Comments 43

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wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 05:48:53 UTC
Thank you so very much. It's pleasure to write it!


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wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 05:49:22 UTC
Well, we shall see. *g*


syd15 November 12 2011, 03:43:41 UTC
What IS this???

I can't think right now, I'm not even speechless, I'm completely and uterly thoughtless.

Is she gonna say it ? What Is she gonna say???

Oh, hell, this is flawless. (No, wait, why is there only one room/bed? The whole Beckett family used to sleep together)

I need more of this in my life!


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 05:50:41 UTC
(No, wait, why is there only one room/bed? The whole Beckett family used to sleep together) BWAH! Stop shooting holes in my ridiculous plot devices! *g*

You're right...maybe something else for her to talk with her therapist about?!


syd15 November 12 2011, 14:21:30 UTC
Hey, rationalize it my way; there IS another bedroom but it's full of boxes (Oh. My! baby!Beckett pictures for Castle to find!) or maybe the bedbugs had a feast with the other bedroom's mattress...

Or it could just be another topic for Beckett to talk with her therapist about...


thefallingapple November 12 2011, 03:44:05 UTC
Oh, I love this!

This is beautiful: He’s not sure which part of her he fell in love with first, but it hardly matters: there’s not one without the other, and never will be again. I like the way Castle distinguishes between Kate and Beckett and knows that most people wouldn't see the difference.

I also really love Kate's acknowledgment that Alexis isn't thrilled with her right now and the way that Castle tries to explain it and pretty much fails.

I have to agree with callsign_buzz about the cliffhanger though. It's an evil place to leave us. :)

Can't wait for more!


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 05:52:15 UTC
Yes, it's evil, but I never keep people hanging for long!

Glad you liked the Alexis part. I wanted to touch upon that, but not dwell on it.


scribblecat November 12 2011, 04:54:36 UTC
Oh cliffhanger! This is great. I'm enjoying the journey and looking forward to the next one of course!


wrldpossibility November 12 2011, 05:54:05 UTC
Thanks, lovely. How's the cabin working out for you? I know I need to get more references in there...maybe on the way home, they can stop off for a burrito?


scribblecat November 12 2011, 22:48:37 UTC
Loving the cabin! It's all great! He seems very adaptable to the nature, not such a city slicker after all, well i guess that goes for both of them :)


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