Author: Michmak
Rating: Teen / Mature
Characters: Jayne, River, Simon, Mal, Kaylee
Pairings: Jayne/River
Disclaimers: Not mine.
Summary: “Simon,” she says, “Simon - he’s awake!”
A/N: Did you really think I'd kill him?
This follows CURRENTS, which can be found here:
“Healing” )
the mental image of River giving Jayne sponge baths..and the conversations that must have taken place between her and Simon before Simon gave up...HEE.
i love the part where River is talking for him to Kaylee. that worked very well.
YAY! Jayne isnt dead and SMUT! WHOO!
I'm glad you like the River-Jayne / Kaylee convo - I had a hard time with that, wondering if I should keep it or change it or wait until the tube wasn't there....
And c'mon now...would I really kill JAYNE? *shakes head*
literarylemming and i have a thing about killing off our favorite characters. she does it in evil creative ways where everyone goes insane.
i do it by feeding people to a giant man-eating orchid.
we all have our quirks.
Actually, I might kill him off too - but not in this story. And certainly not before he gets some action, after being all patient and un-Jayne-like with River.
HEE! good! jayne-bird deserves some nookie! and yes, please, by all means, kill him in other stories in horrific painful ways. i enjoy getting my heart ripped out on occasion.
and for later... Simon saying creeptifying was perfect!
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