Oct 11, 2008 13:47
well i haven't updated in a week , a WEEK so i might as well say somthign that is on my mind
the twilight trailor = blah i was expecting more i was expecting kristen to act better then she is but we are stuck with her sooo i guess she won't be a good twilight bella but bella is plenty blah and boring durring new moon so she should be good there
there are all kinds id vamp shows on today, valhason, blade, and underworld and guess wt evey one had a vamp/ wolf conflcit and idk wt meyer says they are wolves not shape shifters b/c nothing make sence if they are shpate shofters why would edward be soo pretective of bella if he knew that they were shapeshifters why would they call the wolves dogs and why would they stink if they were shapeshiftets .... so yea myere cop out there if jacob would of died i would have been shocked but then there would of been death so then i would of been happy :D
and blade AND underwolrd has a haly vamp/ half wolf, thing in it sooo we should of seen this coming b/c meyer is so cliche it isn't even funny for god sakes the last chapter title was The Happily Ever After Ending ugh i hate cliched authors they infierate me
anyone read any good books laltey b/c i have just finshed some medicore books and i serchign for some amazing ones but The Hunger Games wasn't medicore it was AMAZING so go read now !
breaking dawn,
new moon,