(no subject)

Jul 20, 2008 17:39

Ewww. So I just went out and took care of Cheyenne and today I had to turn over his water trough and rinse it out before filling it back up. I turned over the trough and while I was waiting for the water to drain out, I looked at the bottom of it and saw the biggest, grossest spider ever attached to it. It was horrifying. Now, keep in mind we have black widows on this property, there is currently one right outside the back door. I'm not as freaked out by the widows as I am by this spider. It was twice as big as a black widow with a huge ass back end and was protecting some sort of egg sack twice its size. I was tempted to touch it or something, but I didn't want to die. It was horrifying. Thought you all should know.
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