So Shines a Good Deed...

Oct 23, 2009 01:06

Title: So Shines a Good Deed...
Author: xrysomou and xaritomene. xx!
Rating: PG-13 for kissing scenes and some language
Warnings: Language again, kiddies! But nothing too bad. Also, OFC, but don't be put off by that. There is no OFC pairing anywhere in this fic.
Pairing: Nick/Tyson
Word Count: 9000 exactly!
Disclaimer: None of the boys belong to me, obviously, and neither are they affiliated with me. This is all lies and if you're here via googling your name, or the name of a famous friend or relative, then the backbutton should probably be your new best friend.
Summary: Going out with the logo of his own band on his back meant Tyson had been expecting to be recognised; and he was a little bit stumped when he was pounced upon for being one of his own fans. How was he supposed to react to that?

AN: A longer AN on similar lines is at the original post at my journal! Suffice to say here, the OFC is neither romantically involved with any main character, nor ever will be, and if she contains elements of either me or xari, it's because that's the kind of girl we are, and that, sadly, is the only kind we really know how to write about at all convincingly. Hopefully we've stayed the right side of the Mary Sue line! If not, do please tell us. ^_^

Love and thanks go out to anyana13x5, who looked this over for us and helped us with the plot and confidence. ^_^ Thanks, hon!

As usual, x-posted to our private journals, rejectedfic, __aar__, and writtenthings. Apologies for any spam!


So Shines a Good Deed...


rating: pg-13, type: one-shot, pairing: nick/tyson

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