Fic: He's Dating.... Nick/Tyson

Aug 27, 2009 02:31

Title: He's Dating...
Prompt:"Just a puppet to sink below, she's using you all for show" from Pillsbury Doughgirl by the All-American Rejects
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The boys don't belong to me, this is a fictionnal piece, no harm intended
Pairing: Unrequited Nick/Tyson
Summary: Set during their puppy days (aka when they were still in Stillwater. Nick doesn't like Tyson's girl....

Nick was sighing softly every two steps or so it felt, as he made his way down the streets... Earlier that day, he was helping at his parents' shop when he had heard about the news: the power couple had broken up once more, Tyson Ritter and Lyndsay Evans had called it quits. Power couple was probably overstating it, but the Full-Back and the Head cheerleader were probably as close at it got in Stillwater.

When his parents had said he could go, he didn't need to think twice about what his next move would be. Tyson was going to need a shoulder to cry on or at least someone who would listen to him as he vented. They had been playing that scene over and over ever since Tyson had started dating Lyndsay.

He got to the house he had come to consider almost as his second home over the years and came in through the back, greeting Tyson's mother.

They exchanged a few quick words, as she enquired about his part-time job and the things he did all day long. Ever since he had quit college, everybody seemed to be a little anxious an dto be waiting for his next move with doubt.

When this was done, he went up the stairs and knocked on the door, before pushing it and getting in. Tyson was coming out of the shower, his hair still wet, and his t-shirt missing. Nick wanted to take in that sight more carefully then remembered that good friend didn't drool over their pals' bodies when said friends were in pain.

"Hey," he finally said, dropping onto the bed.

"Hey. You heard, I gather?"

"What do you want me to say, that I was just popping by, that it's a great coincidence, or do you want me to admit that two girls from high school may have been speaking about it loudly when they walked past my parents' shop?"

Tyson groaned as he used a towel to dry off his hair.

"High school sucks big time", he moaned, coming to crash next to Nick on his bed.

"Want to tell me what happened or am I to supposed to believe what I heard?"

"I don't even want to know what people are saying... Lyndsay made me come with her to the mall this afternoon and then threw a fit when I refused to go in the jewelry store," Tyson explained, running his hand on his face. "She said she wanted to give me tips for when I was ready to propose... Propose? What the Fuck, Man, I'm only 17!"

Hating himself for it, Nick suddenly started laughing hard, holding his belly as it hurt. Tyson started huffing at his buddy's reaction, but then found himself chuckling a little. Nick's laughter had always been contagious.

"I'm sorry," Nick said between two hiccups, "but what the fuck? What's going through that girl's mind?"

"She has these big plans for us... I don't mind most of the time, but it's like she doesn't get that the moment I'm finished with high school, you and I are going away to do our music. I'm not saying I want to leave her behind, but fuck this is high school! What does it have to be so complicated?"

"She kinda reminds me of 'Happy Days' with her reasoning," Nick said, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye. "You know, the 1960's spirit, let's get married right out of high school?"

"Ugh!" Tyson exclaimed, "that's so right! And it's so wrong! I only want to graduate so that we can do our thing, and now she's planning our wedding?"

Nick started laughing some more, deeply aware that it mustn't help the guy feel better, but of all the stupid craps Lyndsay had sprung on Tyson, this was by far the most stupid... The girl had been trying to bend him to her every will, and even though sometimes he seemed to lose his brain and do as she said just because they were sleeping together, on other occasions, he would plainly refuse, which would lead to another of their infamous break-ups.

"What did you tell her?" He asked when his laughters had lessened.

"That she could buy her own engagement ring for all I care, because I was saving my money for you and I. She then suggested that I marry you because I love you so much more than I love her. Why am I dating her again?"

"Because she gives you blow-jobs, which I don't, and she has a willing pussy, another thing I lack," Nick said with abitter smile.

"I wish you were a girl sometimes, so that I could date you and not her..."

Nick laughed, trying not to read too much into this.

"So, what are you going to do about this?" He asked finally. "I know you really like her despite her manipulative edge."

"What manipulative edge?" Tyson asked.

Feeling like kicking himself for bringing that up, Nick tried to explain, diplomatically:

"Well, you gotta admit that she had a lot of ideas you were reluctant too and that she always managed to make you do them, like, getting that stupid hairdo. You looked like a guy who had escaped from Grease for weeks until Jen fixed it..."

"Yes, but she's nice, when we're together, you know? There's a whole side of her you don't know, no offense. And she really likes me."

"Of course she likes you, you're the Fullback, you're - let's face it - not ugly, and you have access to nice cars thanks to your father's business."

"Cold dude, really cold. Are you saying that she's only with me because of those things? Because you especially should know that I also have a personality."

"Oh Ty, you know I know it. I'm just saying that the fact that you're cute and nice makes you loveable, but that maybe, just maybe, she also enjoys knowing that she is dating the Fullback, see what I mean?" Nick asked, trying to make him see his point without resorting to plainly stating that the girl was just after Tyson's status and the privileges that came with dating him.

Nick had always known that the girl was a leech who only wanted those things, but he couldn't say that to Tyson, he could only try to be his friend yet slowly make him see what he was seeing.

Tyson looked hurt, and Nick felt like hugging him, but he knew that his friend was most likely to punch him in the face when he was in such a state than to hug him back. He was so naive sometimes, it was like he couldn't picture people wanting to date him for opportunistic reasons.

"Listen buddy," Nick started, "I don't want to hurt you, it's just that sometimes, the girl could have some ulterior motives."

"I guess she could. But she's my girlfriend, and I need to give her the benefit of the doubt.."

On this, Ty's mother interrupted them, popping her head in the room and asking:

"Nick dear, will you be joining us for dinner?"

"No Mam," he answered, "my parents are waiting for me, I should go back home."

He could tell that Tyson wasn't being receptive to what he was saying, and he didn't want things to get worse, so he chose the coward way and said:

"See you later Ty? I'm sure things will work out with Lyndsay."

"Later," Tyson said, still hurt and pouty.

Nick returned to his place, where his parents had eaten without him, and went straight to bed, thinking that he had screwed it up with Tyson.


He spent the next day at the shop, trying to think about what he would say to Tyson when he would go to see him again to apologize. Sure, they sometimes fought, but that didn't make it hurt less each time they did. As he was rearranging some compositions outside, he spotted Tyson and Lyndsay walking hand in hand toward the shop. Ty had obviously forgiven her, or her him or whatever, they were back to being together.

When Nick saw that they were really making their way to the shop, and not just in its general direction, he ran back inside, thankful that they hadn't seen him. He really didn't want to see them.

"Jen," he said, "I need to go in my room for a few minutes, I hmmm have this tune stuck in my head that I need to play on my guitar and write it down. Can you make it without me in the mean time?"

"What the hell? That's some lame excuse dude..."

She then spotted the two people who were about to enter the shop, saw her brother's hurt face and said:

"I'll take care of them, go hide in your room or something."

Thankful, Nick made his way upstairs just as the bell rung. He didn't go to his room, but stayed hidden at the top of the stairs.

"Hello Jen!" Tyson said. "Is Nick here?"

"No, sorry. He went with our father to one of our suppliers." Jen answered.

"Too Bad, we wanted to invite him to join us for bowling. Well, sorry to have bothered you..." Tyson's voice trailed.

"Baby, wait," Nick heard, recognizing Lyndsay's annoying voice. "We're at the Flower shop. Don't you think it would be a perfect opportunity to do something romantic, like buy me flower? You already said no to the engagement ring, flowers are the least you could do..."

Nick didn't have to see them to know that she was running her hand on her boyfriend's arm.

"Well, why not? Jen, can you get me...."

Nick rolled his eyes when he heard his friend give in to the girl's reasoning.

He felt so sad that she could play his best friend like a puppet.He could only hope that she would lose her grip on him when Nick and Tyson would try their music dreams. In the mean time, he would have to endure her, knowing that she was Tyson's girlfriend, and that he was just his best friend, and not anything more, no matter how much he would have liked to be.

type: drabble, *ashspark, rating: pg-13, pairing: nick/tyson

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