Can't you see what you've done to my heart and soul?

May 25, 2006 18:56

Oh, asta77, guess which one of your packages came in the post today? Well, I now have a fabbity fab new pink purse with green polka dots, beautiful pink earrings, a pink photo album, and a very fun magnet. Thank you so much, petal. You are too good to me. It's true. I've already changed over to the pink purse. I'm telling you, if everyone gives me a purse for this birthday, I will have no room left on the rack where I hang them. But I am really not complaining. ::loves pretty accessories::

Now for some fannish things: I have mentioned in various LJs over the past year or so that the thing I love best about Jason Dohring/Logan's face is his nose.

Two of these refused to resize and I was desperate to use them; so, I did anyway. Luckily, it's all behind an lj-cut; therefore, no wonky flist pages for you. :-)

This is my favorite shot. I love the silhouette.

This is my second favorite 'cause it has bonus points for also showcasing Logan arms.

This one because not only does it showcase his nose, but it's also just really freaking hot.

This one 'cause as much as I love him when he's schmoopy, I really love him when he's pissed.

See? Schmoopy is also good.

Even his nose is shocked by who he's about see.

Anytime he's with Veronica is a good time for me. Bonus points for the "slacker" shirt paired with a sport coat.

And Happy!Logan makes me happy too.

Gratuitous Dick-is-pretty-but-clearly-a-testament-to-his-name pic.

Thus endeth your picspam. I hope you enjoyed looking at it as much as I enjoyed perusing vm-caps for the perfect shots to use. Thank you, _jems_, for giving us obsessive types a place to find such things.

ETA: Okay, I'm over here at addicted2goo's house and on her monitor one of the pics is teeny-tiny. If it looks this way on yours, I'm sorry. On my monitor, it's perfectly sized. Who knows?

birthday!, picspam, vm, logan's nose

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