Dear Flist

Oct 03, 2010 19:00

Dear Flist,

I need help. I am making plans to travel to the USA this summer. My route so far is this:

Into DC
Down to Nashville
Across to Memphis
Down to New Orleans
Up to Atlanta
Back down to Savannah
Up again to Charleston
Then wind up again in DC

now potentially I might fly in and out of Chicago if I go to see friends up that way. If not my trip is much simpler. But I need your advice flist.

Has anybody travelled to these cities? If so what to see? Where to go? Which Youth Hostels are nice (and preferably cheap) to stay at? Are there certain areas of the cities I should definately not go? I will be travelling on my own so that sort of thing is fairly important for me to know.

I have a month and a fairly large budget but of course less spent this year means less I have to save up in order to see the west coast another year.

So there it is flist...

any ideas?

usa, real life, travel

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