Oct 15, 2008 03:48
Which I've debated posting, but what the hell, it's my journal. And this isn't directed at anyone in particular, rather it's directed at a good portion of our entire generation.
Voting. In particular, voting in the 2008 presidential election. Or, more accurately, not voting in it. I keep hearing people between the ages of eighteen and thirty saying they're not going to vote because they don't really like Obama or McCain or they don't like politics or they don't really feel like they know enough to vote or feel strongly enough to vote.
Okay, for those of you who don't like either McCain or Obama and therefore don't want to vote: grow up. Sometimes you get crap choices in life, but you still have to make them. This isn't American Idol. This choice will affect your life. There are a lot of issues in this country that have to be dealt with and someone has to deal with them. And yeah, our political system sucks in a lot of ways and it sucks that America can't get beyond binary thinking and develop anything aside from a two-party system which obviously doesn't represent anywhere close to everyone, but it's what we've got right now. Someone has to run the country and if they screw up, don't think you can escape responsibility just because you don't vote. And if you don't feel informed enough to vote? Well, there's this thing called the Internet. You're on it right now. Go, search, get informed.
Also? Voting is a right and a duty. A democracy (even if it isn't a true one) can't operate unless people voice their opinions and participate in how the country runs by voting. Seriously, it doesn't work by just whining in your blog. And yes, I'm aware I'm doing just that here, but I also plan on voting, so there. Women haven't even had the right to vote for a century yet and you just want to pass it up? When so many people worked so hard just to have the right to participate in our political process? Because, what, you're above America's flawed political system? Too good to vote for a flawed politician? But who isn't flawed? Or because you just don't care enough?
But then what happens if this voting abstainance passes to the subsequent generations? Eventually, then, the voters, for the most part, would die out. And then we'd have a dictatorship. And the last eight years have been as close to a dictatorship as I'd ever like to see, thanks. But, hey, if you're not interested in participating but would rather just have someone else make all the choices for you, there are still dictatorships in the world. If you'd be happier there, go for it. Or you could threaten to move to Canada, but as far as I know, they like you to vote there, too.
So, really, if you're planning on not voting in November, make sure you know what you're doing. Don't do it because you don't want to make a decision or because you're too lazy and it's easier to just not. Make sure you feel just as strongly about not voting as you would about voting. Make sure you know what you're giving up. And if you're okay with what you're giving up, then, well, I guess that's your choice, but it scares me.