Name: Morgan
Age: 16
Location: Patterson, New York
Far right.
;Winter Fleeting
Pray the snow, upon
the allure of the leaves,
withered and dead.
Appearance is vital on a
cartographer's leather-aproned lap.
Aye me, Juliet sighs in
a carnivourous speech.
Mardi-Gras rages on the streets
of Babylon's ruins.
Imitation theology thrives.
Pay off your sins,
high priest. Kiss your
cross of water and truly
repents. Perhaps you shall be saved.
Perhaps not.
Split your lashed image.
Part your flesh and drink
yourself up before you
slip through fingered trees.
Murky clouds swam thickly.
Death prances merrily, swinging her glimmering hair
Around her breeze: Dancingin her meadows, she
Plucks petals, one by one. When the last have
Fallen from their now whickless stems, she
Will smile and gloat with repletion- she is a
Glutton for souls; Impatient she will tear them
All at once. Oh! Sweet tragedy! For those
Who are gone would never have died
If not for Death and her foolish pride.