Feb 19, 2005 09:08
I'm tired out of my MIND, taste of chaos was fucking awesome. So today I'm going to hang out with Fisher, tommorow, hopefully Emily because I miss her like crazy <3 and Monday I don't know what I'm going to do. Alexis, what are you doing monday? Ha. I'm probably going to the Green Day Concert!!!!! OMJ! Yeah, should be fun. So yesterday was... weird. In first hour, I slept, second hour, I tried to sleep, in third hour, well, third hour was a bit odd. We had a sub and he just kind of left the room. So all the idiots in the class turned the clock forward, and some kid behind me started snorting cocaine. Lovely. Lunch I hung out with Alexis and Alina and then I sat with Alex, and I almost killed him AND myself at the same time. Yeah, I have skills. Then I went to art, that was fun. Then I walked around with Brandon and Orion until Brandon's mom came and gave me a ride home. Then Taste of Chaos... there is no more to say except that it was incredibly awesome.
*doubts anyone will read this*
01. cried: Yes.
02. bought something: Yes
03. gotten sick: not really.
04. sang: Yes
05. eaten: Yeah
06. been kissed: no
07. felt stupid: that's quite often
09. met someone new: Yessir!
10. moved on: no.
11. talk to an ex: Yes
12. missed an ex: Yes
13. talked to someone you have a crush on: ...yes
14. had a serious talk: yes
15. missed someone: yes
16. hugged someone: yes
17. fought with your parents: yes
18. dreamt about someone you can't be with: all day
01. best girl friend: Kory, Emily, or Fisher
02. best guy friend: Ben or Graham
03. boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
04. if no, current dating partner: -.-
05. hobbies: po0ter, phone, reading, writing, drawing, hanging out, singing...
07. are you center of attention or the wallflower: center of attention
08. what type of automobile do you drive: My sister's car.
09. what type automobile do you wish you drove: 1964 Ford Thunderbird!
10. would you rather be with friends or on a date: With my friends.
11. where is the best hangout: Christina's or the Mall, or Wal-mart, or target.
12. do you have a job: no
13. do you attend church: sometimes.
14. do you like being around people: Most of the time.
WHO (Among Your Friends)
01. have you known the longest: Alex
02. do you argue the most with: Ben
03. do you always get along with: Graham, Kory.
04. is the most trustworthy: Christina, Ben.
05. makes you laugh the most: Jessica, Christina, Emily
06. has been there through all the hard times: Emily, Jessica, Ben, Graham.
07. has the coolest parents: Emily, Ben, Graham, or Christina.
08. has the coolest siblings: Well, Christina's brother Daniel is really irritating but her little sister helps us build weapons. Emily's brother paul can be cool if he's not on a rampage, and Ben's sister is just cool.
09. is the most blunt: Emily and I are incredibly blunt...
10. is the smartest: A lot of them.
01. who is your role model: My sister
02. what are some of your pet peeves: small-minded people
03. have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: I do now...
04. have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yes.
05. do you have a "type" of person you always go after: not really.
06. have you ever lied to your best friend(s): yes.
07. ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: oh yes.
08. would you rather be a dumper or dumped: Dumped
09. rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship
11. ever liked your best female friend: no
12. do you want to get married: not really important to me.
13. do you want kids: maybe.
14. do you believe in psychics: kind of.
15. do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: no
16. what is your favorite part of your physical appearance: my eyes.
17. what is your favorite part of your emotinal being? that I can go up to people and randomly start talking to them.
18. are you happy with you: yes most of the time =)
19. are you happy with your life: yes
20. if you could change something in your life right now, what would it be? not sure.
- wearing: Pink Floyd shirt and Jeans
- Current Mood: bored, tired.
- Current Music: "Let Me Love You" Mario
- Current Taste: Milk
- Current Make-up: absolutely nothing
- Current Hair: down, in my face.
- Current Smell: nothing
- Current Desktop Picture: Velvet Revolver
- Current Favorite Group(s)/artist(s): The Clash, Avril Lavigne (wow those don't go together...) Green Day, Eminem
- Current Book: My Life and Death By Alexandra Canasrie and The Realm of Possibility
- Current CD in CD Player: Nirvana
- Current tape in VCR: Taped music vidoes.
- Current DVD in DVD Player: The Senses Fail Bonus DVD
- Current Refreshment: milk!
- Current Worry: nothing comes to mind.
Last thing:
- You Touched: Taking Back Sunday CD
- You Talked to: Chris
- You Hugged: Brandon
- You Instant messaged: Chris
- You Yelled At: My Mom
- You Kissed: My Kitty =) And before that Darryn...
[ ARE Y0U .. ]
- Understanding: sometimes
- Open-minded: sometimes
- Arrogant: sometimes
- Insecure: Sometimes
- Interesting: to a point
- Easily Amused: fo sho
- Random: oh my god yes.
- Friendly: sometimes.
- Smart: sometimes.
- Moody: sometimes
- Childish: sometimes.
- Independent: pretty much.
- Emotionally Stable: Not quite right now.
- Shy: not really.
- Difficult: often times.
- Bored Easily: depends.
- Messy: not really.
- Thirsty: no
- Responsible: not really
- Obsessed: sometimes ^^
- Angry: only when provoked
- Sad: not now
- Happy: pretty much
- Hyper: yes
- Trusting: less and less everyday...
- Talkative: yes
- Been kissed? yea
- Done Drugs? yes
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos? no
- Been on stage? yes
- Dumped Someone? yes
- Gotten in a car accident? only minor ones
- Been in love? yes once
[ In THE LAST 24 H0URS, HAVE Y0U .. ]
- Cried? not really
- Helped someone? not really
- Gone to the movies? no
- Gone out for dinner? yup, with my family
- Said "I love you"? to my mom and jenn
- Written a real letter? a really long note to my Fanny!
- Moved on? no
- Talked to an ex? yes
- Missed an ex? yes
- Talked to someone you have a crush on? yes
- Had a serious talk? no
- Missed someone? yes
- Hugged someone? yes
- Fought with your parents? yes
- Fought with a friend? no
[ D0 Y0U .. ]
- Wear eye shadow? no
- Eat with your mouth open? I don't know
- If you got a tattoo, where would you get it? not sure.
- What color is your floor/carpet in your room? Beige
- What was the last CD you bought? Senses Fail
- How did you spend last summer? Summer school, hanging out with Em =)
- When's the last time you showered? This morning
- Are you lonely? at times
- Are you happy? yes.
- Are you wearing pajamas? yea
- Are you talking to someone online? not really
----------------------Have you ever?-----------------------------
* Flown on a plane: yes
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: hrm...
* Tried drugs: yes
* Missed school because it was raining: no
* Told a guy that you liked them: yes
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: yes
* Dated someone older than you: yes
* Dated someone younger than you: once
* Had a crush on a friends Boyfriend/girlfriend: kind of.
* Been hurt emotionally: yes
* Had an imaginary friend: yes, still do ><
* Been on stage: yes
* Cut your hair: yes
* Had a crush on a teacher? HA no
* Sworn your love?: um?
* Felt so good you could die? what?
* Believed you were going insane? Because... I'm not?
* Been dumped? yes
* Shampoo: garnier fructis
* Day/Night: day
* Summer/Winter: FALL!
* Cartoon Character: The dad from Jimmy neutron (just like jessica, wow)
* Favorite Food: Italian or Chinese
* Favorite Advertisement: um... .:shrugs:.
* Favorite Drink: Orange Soda!
* Person to talk to online: Jamal
* Favorite Sport: Hockey
* Favorite Car: 1964 Ford Thunderbird
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: pajama's
* Eating: nothing
* Drinking: milk
* Thinking about: people
* Listening to: Mario
---------------IN THE LAST 48 HRS------------------
* Worn Jeans: yes, and written on them
* Done Laundry: yes
* Drove a car: no
* Talked on the phone: yes
* Done more than kissed: no
* Cheated: no
* Committed a crime: nope
* Got caught committing a crime: nope
* "Sinned": I'm always doing that
* Hacked: no
* Told someone to kiss your ass: HA yes!
* Did they?: no
* Said "I love you": yes to graham before we hung up.
* Meant it?: YES!
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: most of the time
* Your friends: of course
* Santa Claus: nope
* Tooth Fairy: no
* Destiny/Fate: to a certain point
* Angels: yes
* Ghost: yes
*UFO's: yes
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? Yes
* Do you like anyone? Yes
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Fisher
* Which of your friends could you tell anything to? A lot of them
* Which of your friends have you known the longest? Alex since I was three =)
* Who's the loudest: me.
------------FINISH EACH SENTENCE-------------
* Let's walk on the: Dark side of the moon?
* Let's run through: Christina's yard with a saw
* What (a) nice: emo kid ass!
* Let's look at the: bright side of things!
* the sky is: sunny
* I love your: mind
* You: are beautiful