Tolkien Haiku

Dec 15, 2009 11:56

I am contemplating the veritable mountain of poetry I have, trying to decide how best to present the portions worth presenting. Haiku is a bit like potato chips, really, tiny bites that can either be savored or crunched down quickly according to mood.

That said, here's a few I've done over the years:

For Bilbo:

So far from his home,
Cold and tired and in the dark,
Stumbling o'er treasures.

Think on pleasant things -
Eggs and bacon, nice hot tea,
Garden at twilight.

For Merry & Theoden:

Winter and Spring meet
Everlasting in friendship
For a little while.

Dear Merry, grieve not,
For he knew that you loved him;
Smoke and remember

For Merry:

No longer trembling
Captian of battles you are,
The Magnificent.

Oh why did you look?
I don't know what will happen,
And now I'm alone.

Practical Merry,
For the secret way is locked
And you have the key.

Furniture hauler,
You set up the wardrobe but
Didn't take the slip.

Oh clever hobbit,
Solving Moria's puzzle
When wizard confused.

For Denethor:

Dark, this palantir -
It lays under my hands clear
And heavy as oil.

I do not trust you,
Mithrandir, undermining
My authority.

My son is burning...
Bright fires lift from my city;
He'll not burn alone.

For Eowyn:

Lifted into the wind;
The banner, my hopes skyward,
Lifted and scattered.

Look at me, Uncle,
Your mind seems so far away...
Do you know my face?

Rohan's White Lady,
Whiter than frost-touched lilies,
Cold white heart and steel.

Men fall in terror, not I,
For no man am I.

For Faramir:

Truest quality
Refined through Ring of fire
Leaves it by the road.

Blackly fevered dreams
Awakening to daylight
Pale as bone and ash.

Into healing hands
Give up thy brother's sceptre;
Gondor's Lord returned.

For Frodo:

Descending into fire
I am laying down my life
To be lifted up.

I would not answer
But he will blow my door down
Through the hill and out!

Friends faces fire-lit,
They will faithfully follow
Into fire's darkness.

Leaping on tables,
This interpretive dancing,
It rings of folly.

From the burning Eye,
Eyes in darkness to blue eyes;
Yes, the eyes have it.

Cast into the fire,
For out of fire it was cast;
He was cast for this.

Sing for me, Samwise,
That hearing, I may escape
By song and by prayer.

I'm glad we found it,
But telling, please remember
I am not Bingo!

Please let him wake up -
If he will only awake,
Or let me dream too.

For Legolas:

Nimrodel's singer,
With the pen of weariness
Drawing silver tales.

Darkness approaching!
He lifts a star-crowned visage
To pierce and protect.

For Elrond's children:

Behold Evenstar,
All the beauty of the night,
Poured out for one man.

Two heartbeats, vengeful,
Hawk-wing'd for their broken dove,
They shan't forget her.

For Pippin:

Peregrin, THE Took;
Such loyalty to friends,
Without great wisdom.

Pippin of the Shire,
He’s traveling without food -
Courageous hobbit.

Pippin’s gravity:
Hit by so many apples,
Newton would be proud.

Following Pippin,
Trouble dogs his small steps,
A stone’s throw away.

Grateful for his life,
Service to a dour Steward,
His payment in full.

So incongruous,
Curly-headed hobbit lad
Counted with the Great.

Strange to think that drink,
Rather than maturity,
Makes Ent Friends grow up.

Eomer, to Theoden:

To battle, you I follow,
Living flag, your mount graceful and white
As simbelmynë blossoms.

For Aragorn:

The end of an Age,
Stirred by the hand of wisdom,
A fire from ashes.

Fresh wings for Wingfoot,
From a soldier to a King:
Faithful Hasufel.

Steps to guide the path,
Longshanks crossed by the fireside,
Telcontar of Bree.

Lowly appearance,
Weather-beaten and rugged,
This gold glitters not.

Upon your breast, healing:
The silver-winged Elfstone,
Flying to your land.

Restor'd unto your hand;
Shards of history renewed,
The Flame of the West.

Gathered against need;
Dunedain athelas,
Essence sweet to breathe.

By this know the King:
His word commands souls of dead,
Darkness flees his hands.

For Cirdan and Mithlond:

Silver plumes, wooden,
And those of crystal above,
Shine on those below.

Three standing towers,
Poised as dancers of marble,
Aged and graceful.

Istari arrive,
Standing like crayons in a box,
Five all in a row.

Five colors they show,
With so many to pick from,
Why do two have blue?

What does Cirdan see?
Within a wooden tub, five
Wizards a-bobbing.

For all of us:

No one suspects us
Dreaming of Tolkien's hobbits,
The stars in our hearts.

character: theoden, character: legolas, character: frodo, poem: haiku, character: eomer, poem: fixed form, character: bilbo, character: denethor, character: eowyn, character: faramir, character: arwen, character: merry, collection, character: pippin

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