It's quite uneven, most interestingly furrowed. Hm.
Title: The Benefits of Being Monochromatic
Characters: One, Ian, Barbara, Susan
Wordcount: 21,102 in eight chapters
Summary: One and Ian set out to explore, and of course the girls must follow - but where do they go from there? And does it matter how you're dressed?
A/N: This one has been fairly popular - a bit of classic running and saving the day with the orginal Team Tardis, a little mystery and a smattering of monsters on a classic episodic pattern. This was written for the classicdw_fic ficathon 12-08, a relatively low-angst Gen First Doctor adventure for Lurky McLurklurk with (as requested) a very light seasoning of Ian and Barbara shippiness. The inspiration was autumn leaves.
Though written with the same level of sets, costumes and creatures that One enjoyed in mind, the gentle reader must allow that it was somehow filmed in colour.
This fic was a First Place winner for the First Doctor era in the Children of Time Awards.
At Teaspoon and an Open Mind and over at, if you prefer