Poetry Forms - the Letter C, part 4

Dec 23, 2009 13:37

The end of poetic forms starting with the letter C! Hope you enjoy.

Chydedd Fer:
When going to sit, please have a care -
The cat has dibs on every chair.
Chydedd Hir: Cat Spot

Moving all the time,
Regular as rhyme,
Blocking it a crime:
Cat's favorite spot.
For a week a chair,
Then she's by the stair,
Definitely there,
She sleeps a lot.
Coming in from walks,
She chooses a box
And by it door blocks,
Without a thought.
We can't move the cat,
It's simple as that,
She's queen where's she's at,
Sleeping winks caught.

Chydedd Naw Ban: Popsicle-Toes

When outside frigid winds start to blow,
We anticipate cold kitty-toes,
Sheltering here from the outside storm,
She looks for a lap, her toes to warm,
Pink popsicle-toes! We feel cold seep,
But soon they are tucked, all warmth to keep.

Cyrch a Chwta: Garden Panther

As panther with a green vine
In jungle depths, this cat mine
Does imagine and refine
These dangling weeds be a sign
Of snake or prey-tail divine,
As if she neded to dine,
She wags her rump, now to pounce!
Guaranteed trounce thus resigned.

Cywdd Deuair Hyrion: Green Patch
Early on the seed was sown -
Refreshed lawn of great remown.
Cywdd Llosgyrnog: Fragrant

Surrounded by a whispered flow,
When hair's pushed back and eyes are closed,
The leaves we chose for fragrance;
Lavender, the mints and sages,
Labor's reward in rich wages:
The gentlest stage of romance.


theme: garden, genre: original poetry, forms: alphabetic, poem: original, theme: cats, poem: fixed form

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