Alphabetic verse - Cram the Entire Thing In

Dec 15, 2009 22:05

Forget the Quick Brown Fox - this goes all out.

All the following poems have all 26 of the letters of the alphabet in the title and also in each individual stanza. The general idea was for stanzas to be four lines each with alternating rhyme - and yes, it does make for some bizarre phrasing when you're trying to stuff in things like J, X and Q.

Pondering: Ents Quashed Orthanc After Axes Failed to Wake Them; Hobbits, Having Zesty Justice, Did.

An ancient, wizened tree am I,
My bark is thick, jammed full of ire:
Vain yearning for a sleepy axe,
Quickened zeal of the Shire.

Will the huorns quest too far?
Their rage is dark, canny for blood.
Saruman’s lax, his door ajar,
Zen’s peaceful view is soon a flood.

I cannot hold their grasping back,
My trees were felled, extinct their tale.
Perilous how the woodlands crack
Til justice quells this zealous vale.

These two hobbits small and quick
Sized to fit below my knees,
Knew exactly how plants tick,
Rousing revenge from jaded tree.


Wherein Poor Elrond Halfelven Juxtaposes A Quick End to the Bad Boy's Zonal Quest Game

Many the ages Elrond Halfelven ruled
Beside those bright and sparkling wetly
Soft green-jade quiet pools
Zealously exacting in his choosing every tool.

A zillion quests selected under his watchful brow
Careful his perusing, nine-numbered and flawless
All groups a-jigging, axes backed by bows,
Lining them up, verily shortest to tallest.

Previous was tallest, the gangliest that bore
Questing item to the crack, yet another doom to end.
A joke suddenly fluttered Elrond to his core
Zounds! Exactly! What a good one he would fend!

This current group waited, quite a mix for questing,
The brawniest expecting to be chosen to bear.
He laughed, and selected for this round of testing
The tiny one, viz a joke! Too little to be snared!

Quest after quest he had sent out in endless line
Weary fatigue of keeping evil Sauron well-supplied.
The exit was apparent! No zonal expert's crime
To be a bit creative in this one bearer's size.

As they exited the dell, he was riven of his cares.
Just to see Morgoth's face he wished quite a lot.
Sez he, these mismatched bumblers, they will be a snare.
Led by a hobbit! He'll think it's a pack of rot!


Rings’ Quick Hobbits, Waxing Zealous, Jumped the Evil Eye

Along the quay, of hope bereaved
No longer lax when facing choice.
High stakes, to raze and to deceive;
Justice demands this single voice.

To valor’s side came an aid uncalled,
Not axing his plans but seeking to quicken them
In this zealous way fearsome to recall,
He was joined by fierce loyalty’s brightest gem.

This brother made true in all but kin:
Steadfast in journey, tho’ it grieved his strength.
His soul was taxed, but gazed unfaltering
Lending quiet presence the weary length.

They traveled deep in journey grim
By hazy smoke and withered crust
As a quarry hunted in fire and dim
Past exhaustion’s bounds because they must.

Triumphant victory was hard to gain
Joyless and worn, death life exchanged
By fire’s edge they were freed, yet pained
As the Eagles quickened into the azure range.

Lifted beyond the hellish mountain to defy,
Jeweled lava wending a vain path, reaching -
Zeal of their escort bore them up into the sky,
Quelling execution, and a new hope teaching.

lotr, character: treebeard, character: elrond, poem: fixed form, race: elves, race: ents, character: fellowship, poem: alphabetic, word play

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